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Established Member
26 Jun 2005
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grimsby Humberside
Well it has happened again, my workshop was broken into about an hour ago! Luckily all they got away with was my sliding mitre saw which was close to the rear window. It was the same window that they tried last weekend but this time they forced the window open. Police were great and on the scene in minutes but unfortunately never caught them. My neighbour alerted the police after seeing two youths at the rear of my shop. It didn't set the alarm off as the sensor won't reach that corner of the shop so I think a second one is in order to make sure it is covered. Pity I didn't catch them though they wouldn't have ever done it again. :twisted:
sorry to hear that mailee, hopefully the police can do something, or the insurance people can be of help. Not sure an alarm would have done much good, they'd just run of with it regardless.
Bad luck Alan, I hope you get that alarm sorted out as soon as possible, I ought to get one fitted in my garage, one day someone will have a go.

that really sucks, prolly the same scrotes that tried last time.

Actually, although I agree with the punishment they would have got if you DID catch them, I'm glad you didn't for two reasons.

1. They're obviously tooled up to get the window open, and you wouldn't want the tool used on your person. Better to be able to continue doing what you love doing, than to be stuck in a wheelchair...or worse.
2. You could have ended up in the dock whilst the scum roam free and end up with 'compensation'.

Hi Alan

Sorry to hear about your bad luck.

IMHO, DAMHIKT, they will keep coming back until they are put off by bars etc. At least, that's what happened at my office.

How about a cheap network camera to monitor and record the goings on in your workshop? By day we could watch you work and by night you can watch people run off with your tools, but at least you could identify who they were. In my experience whenever this sort of thing happens the perpetrators are usually quite well known at the local station.

Cheers Mike
mailee":1opbkjrh said:
which was close to the rear window.

I bet you are gutted. Can I just check this? You have a workshop with a rear window? and you hadn't boarded it over after the last attempt? I can gaurentee they will come back again. Bolt it over with 2 cheets of 18mm ply and coach bolts. They will come back again.

Better still, cover it in a metal sheet across the back where you can't see it so they cannot get in.

mailee":1opbkjrh said:
It didn't set the alarm off as the sensor won't reach that corner of the shop so I think a second one is in order to make sure it is covered.

Why does that help? When did a burglar alarm ever interest a couple of punks on drugs? You need to physically stop them getting in. Sure, it might warn the neighbours and they might call the police? So what? Even if they get arrested they will probably be out and back in a couple of days? What happens if you catch them and they take a swing with a club hammer? Or your neighbour intevenes and is attacked? I'm not trying to be negative but rear windows and workshops don't mix. I'd be securing all windows with bars, beefing up locks, panelling internal rear walls on the inside where they might kick through.

Will they come back next time with a big crowbar? Could they jemmy the rear timber off? Could they cut through it with a battery circular saw? Could they come round the front and pull the doors open? Knock the hinges out?

I hope you get it all sorted. If they've had a sellable item out of you they are 100% certain to come back.


hope you get it all sorted. If they've had a sellable item out of you they are 100% certain to come back.

Your statement above is most probably correct.

A burglar alarm went off opposite the other night at 11am again 2pm finally the system broke down after 3pm ring.

Nobody takes a blind bit of notice of burglar alarms these days, especially the one over the road, its always going off.

I very much doubt if the police will do anything about your problem because they most probably had so many more the same evening and probably logged it. (Today I saw a person dealing drugs in the high street twice within 15 minutes and there wasn't a copper in the high street, or surrounds because I went to look for one. )
And because the streets (and at night) are not patrolled they get away with it. Policing needs to go back to basics.
That applies to small time burglary. and all the other crimes.
devonwoody":y5d3d2m1 said:
I very much doubt if the police will do anything about your problem

And because the streets (and at night) are not patrolled they get away with it. Policing needs to go back to basics.
That applies to small time burglary. and all the other crimes.

It dosen't surprise me one bit, it's all to easy for the police just to give out a crime number without doing any more work. :evil:

If you drive a little to fast or murder someone then expect a knock on your door. They might even chase you in a Porsche, now how much did that cost and for what reasons do they need Porsches?

In my past working life I was forced to install an alarm system costing in excess of £16,000 because of storing explosives. One week it went off in error three times and because it involved explosives the police had to attend within minutes, I usually got there before them :x Anyway after the three false alarm call I received a letter from Thames valley police stating that they would not attend another alarm call for 90 days owing to the three false calls. :x

So paying out more than £16,000 was a total waste of my money :evil:

No wonder bombers have it so easy. :x :evil: :x :evil:
I hate to be negative BUT THEY WILL BE BACK!
It's a well known fact that burglars return after about three months from the first attack. They reckon that by then you will have made an insurance claim and replaced the stuff that they stole in the first place. So they come again and pinch the new stuff as well. :(
Referring to my earlier posting, perhaps the home secretary has told the Chief Constables the prisons are full, please slow the boys down. :(

I hate to be negative BUT THEY WILL BE BACK!

They have been back already, they just did not get anything the first time.

Sorry to hear about your problems Mailee :cry:

Maybe a faulty tool sitting on the window, that has bare wires, and which you accidently left plugged in might be in order. The sort of thing which would fry anyone who touched it.


Thanks guys. Well Adam the original reason for the rear window was so that I could cut long lengths of timber on my Radial Arm Saw. As for not boarding the window over after the first time I had assumed (wrongly) that they had given up deciding that the Lexan was tougher than they were. I have now boarded up the window with ply just as you suggested. I have also moved the PIR just in case too. I have to admit I do like Mike's suggestion of the faulty power tool, that would certainly work. I am also going to fit an intruder light at the rear of the shop to alert me of anyone coming over the fence in future. Mel is also furnishing me with some barbed wire for the top of my fence. :wink:
mailee":1iwq6x6c said:
Thanks guys. Well Adam the original reason for the rear window was so that I could cut long lengths of timber on my Radial Arm Saw. As for not boarding the window over after the first time I had assumed (wrongly) that they had given up deciding that the Lexan was tougher than they were. I have now boarded up the window with ply just as you suggested. I have also moved the PIR just in case too. I have to admit I do like Mike's suggestion of the faulty power tool, that would certainly work. I am also going to fit an intruder light at the rear of the shop to alert me of anyone coming over the fence in future. Mel is also furnishing me with some barbed wire for the top of my fence. :wink:

I reread my post and it sounds dreadful, all I was meaning was they've tried one, successful on the second visit and may up the "quality" of their preparation by bringing items to assist. They will certainly be back. Could you have a "metal" flap to allow items to poke out the back?

Burglary really gets my goat. Its the sheer gaul of someone to take something you've invested your effort through working to acquire. really bugs me. Perhaps some razor wire as well? Or a heavy oak beam that isn't well "supported" that could "detach & drop" under extreme loading (someone kicking or pulling a window below? I'm sure you'd always screw things with the best length of screws. :wink:

Security lighting (perhaps mounted on a high post) or one of these PIRs that rings you mobile? *it has to be connected to a phone line so you can't ring "yourself" as such but could ring your landline and several others e.g. neighbours etc...

to stop any other thefts maybe somethink along these lines may help :twisted:
( press the Quicktime link in the box)

really sorry to hear about the theft. makes me think about beefing up my security.

after a break in a couple of years ago my brother bought back his car radio form local scrap yard for £10 two days after it was nicked :(
pob your right this is a warning to us all.

My security is poor on reflection. I am going to do something about it. Even if I am in a sleepy back water, where we still leave our doors and windows open.

sorry for your troubles mailee. I realise now how Tony Martin felt. (I think that was his name)

Newbie_Neil":13yq3dpm said:
IMHO, DAMHIKT, they will keep coming back until they are put off by bars etc. At least, that's what happened at my office.

Sorry to be a pesimist but I think Neil is right. The statistics clearly show that these scumbags will come back if they think they can get away with it.

Bars on the inside of the window are a good idea, it worked for me when I lived in Manchester
Sorry to hear about your break-in mailee, i got done on wednesday
night and lost most of my tools, i have good locks and alarms, i have insomnia so i'm awake most of the night and they still managed to beat me. None of my tools were expensive types but it took me a long time to get them as i can't work now. No insurance either as i could'nt afford it. :(
I ended up in hospital as i collapsed luckily it was'nt my heart this time, it was exhaustion and anxiety. Then last night we got a phone call to say my favourite B.I.L. had died, what a week i've had.

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