Theft Prevention

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Established Member
11 Oct 2018
Reaction score
Lausanne CH and Suffolk UK
Sadly, the site admins continue to refuse to create a dedicated section for security - so hopefully some will pick it up here in General Woodworking

Skillbuilder on Youtube have done another video. Of interest to everyone (hopefully) will be a forthcoming site "Tools Reunited" and also some links at the bottom to various products and initiatives.

Stay safe y'all - especially as they are about to offer early release to a load of banged-up tealeaves
All I can say to that is I hope I never actually catch anyone stealing my tools or anything else I own for that matter. It’s up to all of us to make it as difficult as possible for them to get at the tools and for me this starts with not advertising them when loading up your van etc hopefully no members of this forum leave their tools on the van or in a poorly protected garage or out building etc ..
This topic has been covered on many occasions and if you do a search you will find a lot of good information. Bottom line is that you might not stop a really determined scumbag but you can make their life very difficult by applying a layered approach to security. In brief have only a single way in and way out, multiple routes are not good, gravel to make moving a noisy experience, PIR lights to illuminate the area , don't leave garden tools around as they can be used to force a break in, good security on the shed with decent padlocks, don't leave that nice new tool on full display through a window !, chemical markings or brand your tools to make them of no value to anyone else, if selling anything and you are taking photo's ensure you do not include the meta data which can give location. That was a good tip from another member which many people would not think of.