..."The road is likely to remain closed for some time " ????


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
Given the number of chain saws up here in Northumberland that tree would be gone in a couple of hours !

Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 15.56.10.png
I remember turning up at a road blockage like that some years ago in my range rover - I carry a 12 tonne tow rope, so I thought I would simply rotate it to only block one half of the road...

however, at that point a lorry turned up behind me, and said don't worry - watch this... powered up a grab from behind the cab, picked up the whole tree and lobbed it into the adjacent field - road clear in under 5 minutes!
Highways will probably have to do risk assessment before clearing can commence. As said couple of chainsaws, couple of hours and lots of firewood......
Round our way there'd be a couple of farmers with chainsaws and a telehandler and it'd be gone in no time
We were out on a canal in our boat once and got stopped by a tree - small but still a tree - blocking the way. I tried in vain to cut it with my small saw. Other boats arrived and instead of helping began mooring up and making tea with ‘we’d better wait for the waterways people’ shrugs.
Then a hire boat arrived and took charge “we are Germans, we are sailor men” they announced with smiles, tied ropes from the bows round the trunk, reversed hard back and bingo, tree cleared.
Less tea, more have a go!
We were out on a canal in our boat once .....
..which reminds me of the perils faced by new 'sailors'. There's a pub in Worcestershire in Wyre Piddle called The Anchor and it's on the banks of the Avon. The bank is terraced and we'd spend many an afternoon watching the antics of the hired canal boats attempting to dock. The Anchor being the first watering hole after the marina.

One day, one boat arrived and as it attempted to come to a halt alongside the jetty, the son jumped onto it with a rope in his hand trying to slow the canal boat down. Which didn't but Sonny-Jim had presence of mind to let go of the rope before he got pulled in. Meanwhile Dad having overshot the jetty, found reverse, engaged it and the boat promptly wrapped the rope around the propeller, stalling the engine. Boat last seen slowly drifting downstream. We awarded that one a '10'.
A few UKWorkshop members and a chainsaw could quickly clear that. :giggle:
Hang on, I'll just get me chainsaw & nip down the road - OH! on second thoughts, I ain't gorra long enough extension lead!
Back in late seventies, I did clear a pine tree of about 2ft dia. that had fallen across the road outside my garage, all on my own. It didn't take me long, & my parents had a good pile of logs. I dragged the big stuff away behind my car.

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