Tea Light Centre Piece - can you identify the wood


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Lee J

Established Member
20 Nov 2008
Reaction score
I've had this piece of wood fo ra few year now but recently I was asked to make a centre piece to take 3 tea lights, using this piece of wood. But what is it? Purpleheart? Bubinga?

It's really really hard to the touch. feels almost like its made from plastic it's harder than oak for sure
can anyone identify it?

Not wishing to sound like the Health and Safety police but...

Are you completely confident that they aren't going to catch fire? I realise it's a thick bit of wood but I also know that fireman get very nervous about tea-lights because they cause so many fires. Even without the flame being in contact with the wood, the bottom of a tea-light can get very hot (they regularly melt through TVs for example).

I'm sure you've considered all this but I think it's worth adding a note of caution for anyone that's looking at the design and thinking of having a go themselves (since they do look rather nice).
OK, whilst the grain does look similar to Bubinga it appears too light in colouration - My money would be on Calophyllum which has very similar grain characteristics. I used to buy it from North Heigham Saw Mills and when stained can be made to look like Rosewood.

Just my humble opinion :)
