Hmm, a Record Far East over the Scheppach? Sounds like someone may be having trouble shifting the Records. :wink: Lots of people seem happy with the Scheppach (takes all sorts I s'pose...) but I do like the look of those Xcaliber jobbies Kostello linked to. More and more I tend to favour "brick privvy" type tools over "ooo, what a pretty paint job" ones :wink:
P/T, well you've read the glowing recomendations. An improvement? Well, something bigger, obviously... :lol:
I've bored everyone with this before, and I'll do it again. The pillar drill is a jolly useful bit of kit, but -just for once- you don't need to get the most expensive to get something worth having. At least for woodworking. For engineering/electronics type stuff you might well find it would be worth the extra, and Record ones have been very good in the past. Now? Who can say.
I have one of the APTC floor standing medium duty ones, and it's fine. I use it much more than I expected; until you have one you don't realise how handy it is.
Draper. <shudder> Sorry, but I'm predisposed to run away screaming from anything with a Draper badge on. I'd sooner look at the likes of Axminster, maybe SIP (anyone have any info on their quality?) and Charnwood occasionally surprise with some of their kit.
Look into budgeting for a bandsaw soon, won't yah? Oh, and get a good drum sander for the drill press. The Carroll ones are pricy, but very good and you're not tied to buying ready made sleeves.
Cheers, Alf