Table saw blade for cutting laminate?

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8 Mar 2018
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Afternoon all. Can anyone recommend me a table saw blade for cutting decorative end panels on a kitchen? Need minimal tear out obviously and I can’t do it with the track saw as it’s an angle piece.

I can’t do it with the track saw as it’s an angle piece.
Will your track saw not cant over for an angle cut?

If I cut "laminate" on my table saw I use a 48 tooth TCT blade, and place a sacrificial plywood bed on the saw table top to act as a zero clearance.

I also have a 60 T triple chip bade, but don't really use it as I get as good a result using the 48 T blade.
Will your track saw not cant over for an angle cut?

If I cut "laminate" on my table saw I use a 48 tooth TCT blade, and place a sacrificial plywood bed on the saw table top to act as a zero clearance.

I also have a 60 T triple chip bade, but don't really use it as I get as good a result using the 48 T blade.
Thanks Hoj, but it’s not the cut that’s angled, the piece of trim itself is a 90 degree corner section, so when I said angle, I meant like angle iron! There is only 75mm or so of flat surface for the track to sit on.
Might be easier to cut on a mitre saw, if you have one, more teeth on the blade the better.
You need to invest in a negative rake blade. I cut laminate and even acrylic with one. The feed rate is a little slower so take your time.

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