Super Quick Pine Desk 5 Day Build Time

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Established Member
23 Apr 2008
Reaction score
A Wood Haven
My girl wanted a desk so I knocked this up. Took me about 6-8 hours I think and I spent ages doing one thing to realize later I wanted to do something else. Didnt get any work in progress pictures due trying to do it quick.

Basically used those big pine panels you can get for the top joined two together with biscuits, I rebated the edges of the 2 sides of the legs so the frame sat in it all screwed or glued as it had to be taken apart to be transported. I was pretty chuffed with it, used a beech wax which was the first time Ive ever used wax and couldn't believe I'd ever bothered with Varnish! Used a bit of manky plywood for the draw base so excuse that.

The major pain was one Im a big novice, and two I dont have a lot of tools really, I dont have a chop saw so had to cut the mitred ends with my crappy focus hand mitre saw which wouldn't for the life of it cut straight 45 degrees all the way down. It has since been binned.

Id be very happy for any questions or suggestions!





Couple of "art" shots she took . . . . . :?



I think that's probably enough!
Very nicely done Chems. :) I'll have to try wax next time i'm
able to do any work. :wink:
Nicely done. :)

How are the rails fixed to the leg? I guess that, if you had more time to spend on it, you'd have mortised and tenonned them in to the legs instead of mitring the ends. Have a look at DW's latest box-making thread, he uses a 45º router cutter in a table to cut his mitres now! :wink:

The only thing I may've changed is the legs, they look a bit too chunky. But, you were trying to get the job done quickly so, I guess tapering them was a bit too much for this job. :)
Thanks Guys,

The rails are screwed to the legs from the back, so that the legs and rail make one structure and then the top is screwed onto the rails using buttons.

I quite liked the chunky nature of the legs, its a bit modern!

Using the Router to do the mitres is pure genius I will defiantly have a go!
Looks nice Chems, I like the chunky legs - I was planning on a similar size ratio and style on the desk I'm working on.

How does the drawer work? (I'm totally new to all this).
Thanks! The draw is really simple, I just fitted a wider back to the draw so it overhangs about 1/2 inch each side, then into this I cut a U shape on either side, then that just runs on a bar down the sides of the case. Main support provided by the opening in the front of the desk. If that makes any sense?