Storm damaged roof, one tile, DIY?

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Established Member
11 Aug 2016
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Hi All,

After the storm I'm missing one tile.

Well, not missing, its on the lawn.

Considered claiming insurance but put off by horror stories of premiums going up loads.

Can I put this back myself?

I'm thinking... a **** ton of top quality epoxy (Devcon, 3M, Sikadur-32+ ?) and jam it back in. There are no "spare bits" so I suspect it'll go back where it came with little fill required.

I have rock climbing gear so I won't fall off (or not far at any rate).



<edit> this looks like it might do the job

  • Good adhesion to damp concrete surfaces.
  • Very good adhesion to many construction materials.
  • Thixotropic: non-sag in vertical and overhead applications.


  • IMG_0333-1.jpg
    1.4 MB
  • IMG_0350.JPG
    3 MB
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DIY. By the looks of it, the hip tiles were never pointed in as they should have been. Take the tile to your local builders' yard and buy a replacement, then take off the hip tile that covered the top of this tile, take out the bit that stayed in place (nailed on) cut the replacement to fit with an angle grinder and re-install. If it were me, I'd definitely point in under the hip tiles, all over the roof - it makes a hell of a difference on a tiled roof as it stops the wind getting under there and rattling the tiles. If you just glue the tile back together, you've not solved the underlying problem.
Bear in mind that although those tiles are rough enough to walk on safely, they can break underfoot if you're not careful. Of course, if you're not good at heights, it's worth paying someone else. What would you tie your rock climbing gear off to?
It would have been nailed in, personally I wouldn't be tempted to bodge it. How old is the property and is it the original roof? I ask since from the limited information in the photo it could date to the 30s, in which case it's still a little early but nail fatigue is a potential consideration.

I used to handle home insurance claims and nail fatigue was a perennial consideration on properties approaching or over 100. We could pay out but would refuse to arrange a repair if that was the verdict of the builder's report. The issue was we were not prepared to guarantee the repair when the entire roof was at risk of failure.
It would have been nailed in, personally I wouldn't be tempted to bodge it. How old is the property and is it the original roof? I ask since from the limited information in the photo it could date to the 30s, in which case it's still a little early but nail fatigue is a potential consideration.

I used to handle home insurance claims and nail fatigue was a perennial consideration on properties approaching or over 100. We could pay out but would refuse to arrange a repair if that was the verdict of the builder's report. The issue was we were not prepared to guarantee the repair when the entire roof was at risk of failure.
looking at the tile it looks like one of the modern flat concrete tiles that try to look a bit like slates. If so I doubt it's 100 years old. Like this

By the looks of it, the hip tiles were never pointed in as they should have been

Is that because they are fitted with one of the dry ridge kits? The ridge tiles look like the typical gaps of a dry ridge. Although photo too grainy to be sure. The tile looks like it might have markings where the ridge kit was glued down,

If it's dry ridge it'll just be a case of unscrewing the hold downs on the ridges and unsticking the material part.

Should be safe enough with a roof ladder and a rope over the otherside secured to something solid for your harness.
Thanks Guys,

The roof is about 4 years old.

I don't think it has tie downs. I asked at the time why there were no tie downs (house next door has them) and the chap said it was a new system that didn't need them.

The house across the road with a new roof doesn't so I guess its one of those.

There DO appear to be gaps under the ridge but that's OK if its "dry" ?

I'll get a better picture.

If you have your own ladder you could go up and look at how the lower easier to reach hip tiles are fitted before you decide. If you do decide to bodge the tile with gloop I wonder if you could swap a good one in from low down so your bodging is easier to reach if you need to redo it in future.

It looks to me like concrete made to look slate like. They often have shallow lugs to hang over the timber cross pieces plus one nail hole. It may be that the nail hole was in the bit they cut off to fit into the hip roof so it's just held by the protrusions and the weight of the tiles above.

I can understand why you don't want an unnecessary insurance claim, particularly if you have a big excess anyway, but gravity is unforgiving. I do most things myself, but anything above gutter/normal ladder height is beyond my self imposed limits.
Those tiles look like 'Marley moderns' to a standard lapped tile that you can buy virtually anywhere.

The photo isn't brilliantly clear but those hips do look like they are dry fitted because of the tell-tale ventilation gaps and the slightly raised trim above the tile line (ie they are held by a shared bracket that holds both adjectives tiles and screwed through into the hip rafter).

See example photo here

As someone else has stated above it's a 'simple' case of getting up there, unscrewing the one (possibly two) brackets, removing one (possibly 2) hip tiles and hanging the new tile over the batten. Only issue is that you will have to disc cut/chamfer the tile as it's on the hip.
DIY. By the looks of it, the hip tiles were never pointed in as they should have been... If it were me, I'd definitely point in under the hip tiles, all over the roof - it makes a hell of a difference on a tiled roof as it stops the wind getting under there and rattling the tiles.
Are you sure that isn't a ventilated ridge system, looks like one to me.
I'd take a look at the gutters while I was there, could be a leaky joint
Hi All,

Got some better pics.


This pic is of a house across the street that has the hold down straps that mine doesn't.

Having looked at it I think I can replace the broken bits myself properly.

What I didn't fancy was breaking out mortar on the ridge tiles to get to the actual tile to fix & re-doing that.

It looks like its just screwed together which I can handle.

Speaking of... not sure if its visible in the image, but that tile that's come loose.. it doesn't look like it was ever fixed in place.

I.e. I don't see a hole in the wood where there would have been a screw or nail.

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Inertia is a wonderful thing in building work. If it wasn't fixed and hasn't moved over several years then that can be good enough, :giggle:

If you can't safely drill out the concrete tiles to get a proper fix, then you might consider using epoxy. This can be really useful when a concrete tile has broken and needs stuck back together. Or when it has come adrift from the cement mortar that it was bedded in, and you don't want to start chiselling the mortar away.

One building I remember working on had octagonal corners to the brickwork.s. To obtain the specially shaped bricks at these corners, some of the standard bricks were sent off to be cut and glued to the required shape with epoxy. Which was obviously deemed acceptable way to proceed.

I have myself used epoxy to glue back a ridge tile on my roof that had come away in a storm. It had separated cleanly from the hard mortar beneath, which I didn't want to disturb. It has held out for several years, since, and has weathered many other storms, .
Inertia is a wonderful thing in building work. If it wasn't fixed and hasn't moved over several years then that can be good enough, :giggle:

If you can't safely drill out the concrete tiles to get a proper fix, then you might consider using epoxy. This can be really useful when a concrete tile has broken and needs stuck back together. Or when it has come adrift from the cement mortar that it was bedded in, and you don't want to start chiselling the mortar away.

One building I remember working on had octagonal corners to the brickwork.s. To obtain the specially shaped bricks at these corners, some of the standard bricks were sent off to be cut and glued to the required shape with epoxy. Which was obviously deemed acceptable way to proceed.

I have myself used epoxy to glue back a ridge tile on my roof that had come away in a storm. It had separated cleanly from the hard mortar beneath, which I didn't want to disturb. It has held out for several years, since, and has weathered many other storms, .
Those tiles would have had nibs which hooked over the batten, though the top row should have definitely been nailed as well. For the broken tile by the hip I would use MS11 (or similar) to fix it - same for the corner off the tile above the vent pipe in the other photo - better than disturbing the ridge tiles on the hip

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