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Done some checks of my machine this evening,

T'was my fence which was badly out, which needs sorting, but thought worth improving

the accuracy of the trunnion first, as the blade is 0.5mm out at 45 in relation to the slot.



Also had a look at why my riving knife bracket was able to lift up a mm or two.

Needed an allen key to tighten up..


Still loose, but seems flipping the flat bar tightened up,

(that's after finding the wee circlip again) and not much budging at all now.

Not sure if there's meant to be a slight s profile to it?


Now onto the part which [USER=12872]@deema[/USER] mentioned...

Don't see anything loose, and I haven't figured out how it's adjustable?

Perhaps the expectation was to see something loose, but looks tight to me.

Do I need to shim it where it needs to be?




