I'd say this design has been around for millennia, but nice to see various iterations of the same principal.
Doesn't need be fancy, but be warned!, once you make one....
None of them are perfect, some could do with some slight mods,
but that's half the fun.
Here's a small example of why a single point lever is handier.
Need a crowbar to drop the levers down against the wall,
and some of those store bought ones are so thin, and look like they get jammed to my eyes...
well for a heavy machine anyways, (none or not enough flat on the bottom of pedal)
that even without obstruction, may require the mini crowbar for the job,
as I gave me new boots a nice slice on the toe.
I find the one for the bench really useful, I move it every day in the tetris lawnmower game,
and not just for when the neighbours cat takes a pisch underneath,
and a bit odd lookin being made of auld scraps, but cost nothing but a few welding rods.
For the space conscious, a floating top is another bonus for when you really need space,
but would need to be redesigned for the other fancy bench for a few reasons.
Quite a bit of head scratching for something fancy like that, making something not so agricultural, ergonomic, might make pedal more accessible for that one, (cable could be utilized)
at least something hidden for fun, others may have other reasons for concealing their bench, etc..
but if you approach things like getting the wheels sorted first
then you've made a start and and have to figure out the rest
Fun coming up with solutions, regardless what type you choose, you won't change your mind on the single point feature,
Well apart from one case where someone didn't like the fact that these can drop going over a bump, which could likely be fixed...not an issue for me, but two reasons for me makes a better reasoning for fixing something, and should one have a lightweight bench and a bad floor, then the wheels can tend to make contact and the bench can move occasionally with sawing, (but you'd not be happy with that spot on the floor anyway without shims which would fix things)
might do that for the bench, could fix the noise it makes at times also, hopefully shouldn't be difficult to have something cushioning and fireproof.
that's my biggest gripe with the workbench, but needing dance with the wolves, its a feature that I wouldn't be without,
and would puke at the thought of having to use four levers.
Even if you end up using a brush handle for depressing the lever occasionally, something t register against would be an idea,
cable could be used here either as an afterthought, which is the way I tend to approach these things, as I just get analysis paralysis working on paper sometimes,
and often find it handier to pick up a scrap piece and a clamp.