Not any I've seen when planed, but I don't have all that much of it.
I seem to be irritant to the stuff, more so than iroko, but just a guess,
as I wasn't playing by the rules when hand planing the stuff, so
it could 've just been the iroko.
Haven't worked with any since, nor has it graced a skip with it's presence.
Ribbon striping yes, but not what I call a fleck, which I'd have to get, as I can't seem to find much online.
Saying this about reclaimed though, even with all the variety of
iroko I have, (main stock) I learned you can't be sure of anything.
Thought I had an example of the most extreme of my timbers characteristics, but I hadn't seen near the worst of what some folk have seen, like minerals.
Still trying to find a better example for someone to compare.
So would like to be schooled if someone happens to have some pictures handy of the fleck which I possibly wrongly associate only with sipo/utile.(of the species that is this colour)
Must take a picture of the stuff, as I think its fantastic, even a small amount would be great for bandings and whatnot.
I only have a stick of it, my planing stop, so it won't be a fancy piccy.
Meranti can look real nice too, someone on the Auzzie forum made a lovely bench from the stuff recently.