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Established Member
18 Aug 2019
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Ash Vale, Aldershot
So a parent at school who is a barrister has asked if I'm able to make a desk tidy for her when she is in chambers that could accommodate a calculator and a stapler, now I'm thinking along the lines of a bandsaw box style base with turned cylinders on top, I've looked at Google images and nothing is jumping out to inspire me and to be honest I'm still learning to use the bandsaw for anything other rough cutting logs into blanks so feeling out of my depth but up for the challenge, would really appreciate your thoughts/advice 😊😊😊
A calculator and a stapler are quite large items to try and fit into a desk tidy. If they must be included then I would probably make a tray with cylinders for the normal stuff.
A calculator and a stapler are quite large items to try and fit into a desk tidy. If they must be included then I would probably make a tray with cylinders for the normal stuff.
Hence my thoughts around a bandsaw box style base, I don't have a suitable blade to make a bandsaw box but I can use the principles to create a drawer type base for the calculator at least, the stapler could have a spot on top with the "pots" for the pens etc

@Phil Pascoe no, I don't do mates rates 🤪
Do you have any idea of her style of desk or working environment? It could be anything between traditional and ultra modern.
Do you have any idea of her style of desk or working environment? It could be anything between traditional and ultra modern.
Not a clue, she said she is happy to let me choose the wood and the design. I have some big pieces of willow that have some gorgeous blues running through it that I could use.
3 thoughts:

Stapler and calculator - you might need a bit more information. I have an old casio calculator that fits in a wallet, and one that is as big as a hardback book. Similarly I have a tiny hand-held stapler ideal for the top corner of document sets, and a long arm one that won't fit in the cupboard, plus some in between.

An idea. How about turning a thin walled cylinder with really nice grain, maybe decorate wth grooves or beads, then cut it in half along the axis. Those halves become the ends and the "star of the show bit". Then add some long sides, 2 rectangles of faced ply or bandsaw-cut slices of whatever you have. The base shape can be pencil marked onto some mdf, cut on the bandsaw and pushed/glued in. Maybe even pinned and glued - luxury item.

I hope you're charging her a thousand quid an hour.:LOL:
Not all barristers are well paid, some juniors doing legal aid work are struggling. There are of course some who earn huge amounts.
3 thoughts:

Stapler and calculator - you might need a bit more information. I have an old casio calculator that fits in a wallet, and one that is as big as a hardback book. Similarly I have a tiny hand-held stapler ideal for the top corner of document sets, and a long arm one that won't fit in the cupboard, plus some in between.

An idea. How about turning a thin walled cylinder with really nice grain, maybe decorate wth grooves or beads, then cut it in half along the axis. Those halves become the ends and the "star of the show bit". Then add some long sides, 2 rectangles of faced ply or bandsaw-cut slices of whatever you have. The base shape can be pencil marked onto some mdf, cut on the bandsaw and pushed/glued in. Maybe even pinned and glued - luxury item.

Not all barristers are well paid, some juniors doing legal aid work are struggling. There are of course some who earn huge amounts.
This family are comfortable, we haven't spoken about budget yet, I want to sort a couple of designs then talk to her about costs.
I have the dimensions for the calculator
The stapler is probably gonna be too big for a drawer so will probably have to sit on top.
I like your suggestion, it's got my gears turning with ideas 😊
So I've decided to try doing a bandsaw box as its the only way I can see to have the stapler and the calculator in there, as its my first attempt and my bandsaw blade isn't ideal for the job I've kept the design simple with the curves fairly open, I've used some 12mm ply glued into a block, once dry I'm gonna give it a go and see, worst case scenario I end up with a useless lump of ply. I did have to get a little creative with clamping such a big block 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
You feeling ok Stig?! as the lathe has a chat and said it's feeling neglected!🤣🤣🤣
Don't worry there's plenty more birch and ash waiting for the lathe, she's taking a well earned rest after producing 2 bowls a day for the last week 😀 if the bandsaw box doesn't work out I have an idea to use the lathe instead.
How are the sales doing at the 'makers place'? You haven't mentioned it for a while.
Not great, thinking of pulling out of it, aside from December I'm barely breaking even, it's a lot of effort getting stuff over there (45minute walk) to keep the table looking good and rotating stuff so it's not always the same items out and all for minimal return.
Not great, thinking of pulling out of it, aside from December I'm barely breaking even, it's a lot of effort getting stuff over there (45minute walk) to keep the table looking good and rotating stuff so it's not always the same items out and all for minimal return.
That’s unfortunately how it works. I suspect most items are bought as gifts so expect quite a seasonal bias. As long as your not loosing money it’s worth persevering as people will get to know where to go when the want to buy that special gift for some one. Might be an idea to have more spendy items on show outside of the Christmas run up.
It’s all about exposure 😁

My wife’s celebration cake business took a couple of years to get really going …now get lots of repeat orders and recommendations for customers to others etc.

I dipped my toe in the water last year with my tables at a local event who were offering free pitches to ‘makers’ and made a good sale which gave me loads of encouragement. Taking the plunge this year after feedback from the Chair of a Food and crafts festival saw some of my pics ……two day show but a 6m x 3m space - a £200 gamble but an estimated 6000 people attended last year - fingers crossed
It’s all about exposure 😁

My wife’s celebration cake business took a couple of years to get really going …now get lots of repeat orders and recommendations for customers to others etc.

I dipped my toe in the water last year with my tables at a local event who were offering free pitches to ‘makers’ and made a good sale which gave me loads of encouragement. Taking the plunge this year after feedback from the Chair of a Food and crafts festival saw some of my pics ……two day show but a 6m x 3m space - a £200 gamble but an estimated 6000 people attended last year - fingers crossed
I have 2 fairs coming up, a 2 day event at Merrist Wood on 11th and 12th May, I'm going to share a spot with a friend that does resin art and then we are going to share a spot at another event in June at black bush (I think) should make a half decent bit of money at those, also starting to think about a website.
I maybe wrong but a lot of todays people wrongly assume if you have made it yourself it probably hasn’t cost you much , hasn’t taken you long and for those reasons shouldn’t cost a lot . This is evident at car boots where the assumption is that you are just getting rid of your unwanted items so buyers want you to practically give it away . I’m of the opinion if it’s cheap and useful to me that then I’m happy to pay a few quid for it rather than risk losing out . I’ve been to craft fairs / antique fairs etc and seen sellers like yourself standing up outside for hours and hours for someone to say - is that your best price or how much for cash etc . The chap as across the rd from me is an ice cream man and I was amazed at the £1,000 s of pounds he has to pay just to get a pitch at these venues, then the there’s the stock , permits fuel and of course your time not to mention insurance . I think a website could work well for you .👍👍
At the makers fair I went to last year someone was admiring one of my cookie tables and asking me what ball park figure it was. I’d taken them more as an ‘attraction piece’ than hoping to sell them …..when I quoted the figure she said it was outside of her price range but I shouldn’t be ‘apologetic’ for the cost as they obviously took many hrs to get to the surface finish etc ….confirmed by my saying there was over 40 hrs time in one.

It was nice to have someone make such a comment and no one tried and silly low ball offers too…..maybe I was lucky that day. Learnings for this years event(s) is to have a range of items both top end and lower cost ….the lower cost items to tempt and elict contact with people, but to readily cover the pitch & transport costs etc.

I do know some ‘events’ charge excessive pitch fees …as I recall some of the so called Xmas markets in city centres are at £1000 or more a day !!!!
Insurance isn't expensive, my years policy costs me less than £40 and that gives me £5m public liability and £10m personal indemnity cover, a friend of mine is also a turner and woodworker, he does a lot of stalls and has said that occasionally he loses money on the day, it's just the way it goes but it's not often enough to put him off doing it. I'm not sure what my share of the costs are yet for the 2 events I'm going to but I'm going to use them as a guide to if the effort is worth it for myself, I've got a few nice bowls made, needs to make a couple more big ones and maybe some smaller ones then I want to start on small stuff like bud vases that will hopefully do well, I have less than 4 weeks to go so may end up having to take stuff from the shop for the 2 days, also need to get a card reader, I've lost out on sales before due to not having one.
Etsy is a possibility but I begrudge giving them their cut and their t&c seem to be making it harder and harder on the sellers, not to mention the fact it was set up for creative to sell their craft and now it seems to be mostly mass produced tat.
Need to look into the costs etc around having my own website, I know someone that can set it up for me so just need to sit with them and go through everything.

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