I thought I'd share some other things I've made recently.
First is a number plate for the house, the Mrs found these tiles whilst we were on holiday. I made a walnut frame with mitred corners reinforced with some ash splines. There is a 1/8" ply back let into a rebate behind. The tiles are held in with some rare earth magnets epoxied in place. This hides the screws holding it to the wall but allows me to remove it if I need to in future.
It is my first hand tool only projects (well almost-I used the table saw to rough cut the pieces off the main board) including straightening and squaring the rough stock. Finish is a couple of coats of tung oil followed by a few coats of spray lacquer.
Next up is a small low angle rebate plane. I knocked this up out of an old chisel and a few scraps of beech I had left over from the bedroom furniture project I did last year. It's the first plane I've made and takes quite a bit of faffing about to get working right but when it does it cleans up the corners of rebates quite nicely. I had to make the wedge twice because I planed to much off the first one. The inlay is a nod to my Instagram account, it is just some walnut dowels I made set into corresponding holes. Finished with tung oil and a bit of wax.
Lastly is a little box I made last weekend, whilst working on the bandsaw (shameless plug!!) the Mrs came into the workshop, she has bought her friend a necklace for her birthday and wanted a little box to give it to her in. So we had a rout through the offcut pile and came up with a few bits of sapele and what I think is mahogany. It is made in the usual way, mitred sides with the raised top and bottom panels set into grooves and then the top cut off once it is glued up. 2mm thick pieces glued to the inside hold the lid on for a French fit. Finish is Danish oil and a bit of black bison wax. The Mrs is over the moon so I think her friend will like it.
Well that's it for now, I hope you all like it.
First is a number plate for the house, the Mrs found these tiles whilst we were on holiday. I made a walnut frame with mitred corners reinforced with some ash splines. There is a 1/8" ply back let into a rebate behind. The tiles are held in with some rare earth magnets epoxied in place. This hides the screws holding it to the wall but allows me to remove it if I need to in future.
It is my first hand tool only projects (well almost-I used the table saw to rough cut the pieces off the main board) including straightening and squaring the rough stock. Finish is a couple of coats of tung oil followed by a few coats of spray lacquer.

Next up is a small low angle rebate plane. I knocked this up out of an old chisel and a few scraps of beech I had left over from the bedroom furniture project I did last year. It's the first plane I've made and takes quite a bit of faffing about to get working right but when it does it cleans up the corners of rebates quite nicely. I had to make the wedge twice because I planed to much off the first one. The inlay is a nod to my Instagram account, it is just some walnut dowels I made set into corresponding holes. Finished with tung oil and a bit of wax.

Lastly is a little box I made last weekend, whilst working on the bandsaw (shameless plug!!) the Mrs came into the workshop, she has bought her friend a necklace for her birthday and wanted a little box to give it to her in. So we had a rout through the offcut pile and came up with a few bits of sapele and what I think is mahogany. It is made in the usual way, mitred sides with the raised top and bottom panels set into grooves and then the top cut off once it is glued up. 2mm thick pieces glued to the inside hold the lid on for a French fit. Finish is Danish oil and a bit of black bison wax. The Mrs is over the moon so I think her friend will like it.

Well that's it for now, I hope you all like it.