Brian - this link shows what you can get photographing the negative directly - these are at full resolution so are quite large -
The bus photo is from a 120 roll negative, originally shot on a Kodak Box Brownie or similar and subsequently taken with a Fuji Finepix ~3.2Mp camera.
The 2nd one from a 35mm colour negative of a younger me and my 1.5y old dog this time shot using a Nikon D2X at10Mp cropped size.
Both digital camera shots easily out-resolve the original negatives as can be seen by the film grain that is resolved in the photos, and both look quite blurry in comparison to what we nowadays have become accustomed to from even cheap digital cameras -both photos print quite well even up to A4 size!
Some other scanned shots re-sized and over-sharpened here -
..and my workshop build too
I can post a photo of the rig I made up if you are interested, and also some techniques for automated reversal of colour negatives,
The bus photo is from a 120 roll negative, originally shot on a Kodak Box Brownie or similar and subsequently taken with a Fuji Finepix ~3.2Mp camera.
The 2nd one from a 35mm colour negative of a younger me and my 1.5y old dog this time shot using a Nikon D2X at10Mp cropped size.
Both digital camera shots easily out-resolve the original negatives as can be seen by the film grain that is resolved in the photos, and both look quite blurry in comparison to what we nowadays have become accustomed to from even cheap digital cameras -both photos print quite well even up to A4 size!
Some other scanned shots re-sized and over-sharpened here -
..and my workshop build too
I can post a photo of the rig I made up if you are interested, and also some techniques for automated reversal of colour negatives,