I have a good lathe and plenty of tools, but rarely to feel like im truly in command of whats happening when im at the lathe... so Id like to step up my game and i think getting a better grip on sharpening will help a lot, im hoping investing some money in a better set up will encourage me to invest some time in educating myself a bit better on sharpening angles and techniques and generally make it all more fun and productive.
Just wondering what people recommend, in passing I have previously eyeballed CBN wheels but I only have a couple of pretty standard 6" bench grinders, dont know whether that would be like putting a ferrari wheels on a golf cart. Or perhaps instead a whetstone grinder, the triton seems to be a pretty affordable entry level version of the tormek, accepting many of the same jigs etc...
Just wondering what people already enjoy/might advise, im sure its been discussed to death but i do like a live opinion
Just wondering what people recommend, in passing I have previously eyeballed CBN wheels but I only have a couple of pretty standard 6" bench grinders, dont know whether that would be like putting a ferrari wheels on a golf cart. Or perhaps instead a whetstone grinder, the triton seems to be a pretty affordable entry level version of the tormek, accepting many of the same jigs etc...
Just wondering what people already enjoy/might advise, im sure its been discussed to death but i do like a live opinion