I'd just like to point out that last year has seen an all time high achieved for dog thefts. Depending on the breed and the location, they are either stolen to order for resale, or more commonly they are stolen for use as bait dogs at dog fighting events.
Yes, dog fighting. We didn't evolve past this disgusting "sport" yet. We didn't leave it behind in the 18th century, like many people assume. Still happens, and chances are you have met someone who's attended an evening of such "entertainment" and "had a flutter" as though they were down the races. Except in this case, act one is the warm-up in which an attack dog rips a little terrier's legs off. Then it might disembowel it. Then the terrier finally dies. Act two they might bring in a lab or a collie. Act three, the main event! Two attack dogs! Put your money down, ladies and gents!
I apologise if I've been graphic or dramatic. Actually, I don't. This is a message that needs to get out. The human garbage that runs these shows and attends them are quite active across most of the country, but the police don't have the resources and the media are afraid of making their viewers/readers upset if they report on it too often.
Puppies are stolen, too. Breeding age ******* are stolen to provide puppies. The puppies aren't used in the fights. They're used in training and as food. There was a breeder/trainer openly living in a housing estate near me. Eventually, the screams were noticed, questions were asked, and he realised he was attracting attention. One day his house was empty, and the stinking shed full of small, uneaten ... parts ... was empty, as well. Unfortunately, he wasn't arrested and his animals weren't destroyed so god knows where they are, now.
People, keep your dogs indoors at night, or at any time when you're not home to supervise them, or notice intruders. Dogs get stolen out of back gardens all the time. Terriers, Spaniels, Frenchies, those curly little Bichon Frises, even Labradors and other gun dogs.
And nine times out of ten, it's to use them as bait in dog fights. So no use putting up posters for rewards, because the dog hasn't been "rehomed". It's been minced.
I could tell you stories that would send your hair white if it isn't already.
Please don't give these scumbags the opportunity.
Sorry for preaching. But dogs are not the answer. Some of these swine would actually steal your dog in preference to the power tools!