Second fix nail gun

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Wilson joinery

Established Member
25 Feb 2022
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The second fix is normaly 16 gauge which can be a little heavy for trims, I use an 18 gauge for most trims but a 16 gauge for architraves and such.
Thanks spectric. It seems like the battery powered 16 gauge trim nailers are pricier than the 18 gauge! So at the end I may look for an air nail compressor combo after all.
I use an SGS compressor, a Senco 18g brad nailer and a Dewalt 16g nailer, the 18g leaves very little nail indent compared to the 16. I also have no problems with using air lines and apart from the occasional oiling there is nothing else to buy or charge.
I use a dewalt 18v 2nd fix 16g on site. Its been good but has now developed a firing issue. Theres a plastic bit which engages a button inside the casing which i need to replace.
That said, ive got a paslode 16g pneumatic, which is awesome. More power, never fails, hasnt jammed etc. The downside being compressoe and hose to drag around. It lives in the workshop for now. I have an 18g axi pneumatic gun for finer pins.
For first fix, i prefer pneumatic. Paslode gas guns often had issues, the dewalt 18v fired about 1000 nails before it needed fixing! The pneumatic simply has a good thump, cheaper and theres less to go wrong 🤷‍♂️