What goes around comes around.
PS yes 5/8" finished of you say so, which suggests means 1 1/2" finished too, but this is very small for a sash window with a 5/8" moulding. Maybe the 1 1/2" is sash size for a so called "gothic" profile where you'd use that same ovolo plane but miss off the nib, or something?Sawn timber tends to be to multiples of one inch, with some 1/2" sizes thrown in.
Talking about finished sizes the common expression is "ex (sawn size)" so e.g. a board planed up finished from sawn size 6x1" would be referred to as "ex" 6x1" and actually be 1/4" smaller in both directions, or thereabouts.
I tend to think in imperial for sawn sizes and metric for finished, so "ex 4x1" would end up being finished at 96x19mm (or thereabouts!)
But either way these tools are not that common and most sashes and casements would have been made without them, Which is probably why old ovolo moulding planes with no specified uses, and old rebate planes, are extremely common.
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