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Well I got back from my weekend away (family gathering) this afternoon.

I enjoyed Friday afternoon at the show. Chatted with Nick on the BW stand. Nice to meet Ian (stargazer). Did my bit for the forum passing details to two fellas who seemed quite interested. Simon and Alex I seem to remember.

There was not a visible UKW bench on Friday, which was a bit of a shame, but it didn't really matter. I didn't see many UKW badges and felt bad when I couldn't find mine before leaving. (Wizz put me down for another :oops: ).

Martin gave me a few tips for use of the tormek, sharpening woodturning tools, watched a demo on sharpening by Deneb, he is a top bloke and very helpful.

Had a chat with Tom Lie Nielsen, very approachable. I talked to him about the new LN honing guide due out later this year. Very interesting, will retail for around £50 and there will be different versions for chisels and plane blades.

I asked him what it would be like and he could not say although we discussed all the competition.Veritas, Kell, Eclipse and Bridge city guide etc.

Walter gave me a demo of the festool Vac Sys clamping system which as a result has moved up my tool wish list. Very very effective, clever and typically Festool.

I had a play with the various Festool sanders. The Rotex is a beast.

Chatted the axe lady up, if any of you fellas want a note of her number just let me know. :wink: On the subject of pretty ladies I also chatted to our own lovely Charlotte who lives on a dutch barge.

I also helped David on his stall while he was away, pretended to know what I was talking about. David gave the thumbs up to Ed's plane and Rob's marking knife.

A really good afternoon well worth the effort to attend.

On the subject of parking I paid £11 for 6 hours near a pub about 10 minutes walk to the venue. Had a nice lunch there and a few beers.

I looked for a pub on the way in as I drove past the park and rides. I had thought about leaving my car at the pub and just getting a taxi to the venue, but did not see any pubs on the way in to Oxford. More research might just solve this.

No pictures as I don't do cameras. Sorry. :roll:

Cheers, Tony.
Escudo":eiuzhxr0 said:
I looked for a pub on the way in as I drove past the park and rides. I had thought about leaving my car at the pub and just getting a taxi to the venue, but did not see any pubs on the way in to Oxford. More research might just solve this.


for future reference depending on which side you are coming from i highly recomend the trout at godstow (at the north of oxford just off the A34), the railway or the kings head in wheatley (to the east), or the evenlode to the west on the A40 - there are also loads of pubs in town but many of them dont have car parks
Good shout Moose. Perhaps next time a meeting at a pub with a car park and share of a taxi fare might just save some money and be easier.

We could also have a few beers before going to the show? I could call Julia and she could buy the first round. 8) :)

Ed, David was very complimentary about your plane, also the materials you used and workmanship. Nick was also impressed. It is nice to know that such distinguished peers approve.

The Park & Ride was not too bad and at £2.20 return cheap.

The main problem was getting on the correct No. 300 bus and finding the bus stops for the way back.
The bus driver was very helpful on the way there and dropped me off unofficially near to the College.
I picked up a free P&R map at the bus terminus which is even more misleading. It tells you which buses are going towards the city centre but the larger scale plan for the central area just shows Coloured and Numbered bus stops with no key? So not very helpful!

Some more pics of the day:


Aled on our bench...Julia off to the right


The interior of RI's box...'staggering' doesn't come anywhere near


SM, T L-N and Julia


Doug B, Matthew, Mark and Aled at the bench


Rod (Harbo) making sawdust with something very shiny and very expensive


and Mark with a hitherto unmentioned collection of BS droolables

In speaking to Ian Styles at the end of the event, he mentioned that Axminster may do a similar event, date TBC at Harrogate, which sounds interesting

Fantastic day - Rob
woodbloke":1ffywk5m said:

SM, T L-N and Julia

I'd just like to point out that the inane grin is because Julia has just told Tom that his plane "doesn't work". He was very gracious. And I bet she can wield an axe better than he can.

Why are you lot so obsessed with the Lady, I thought it was tools you went to see and play with.
Yes, no one has mentioned the rather nice long paring chisel hiding behind the cup, in the previous picture.

David C
Another thing I missed - something new from LN - it's not on their web?

I see they have Trade Marked the words "Hand Tool Events"?? :shock:
Can they do that?

Rod :?
wizer":1m8xlj5w said:
woodbloke":1m8xlj5w said:

Rob, do you have any closer pics of the other boxes on this table?
Sorry Tom, no, but they were as exquisite as the big one. Some pics of his smaller boxes and other stuff in his book...worth getting hold of a copy if you're into that sort of stuff - Rob
Steve Maskery":19ahpxtc said:
Julia on the Wetterlings stand:

(insert wood related innuendo)

Obviously I was in the wrong place this weekend :shock:

oh well i bought a mortiser instead..

looks like it was a good event, must go next year.
