Rotten, wormy and holey

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Established Member
6 Jan 2007
Reaction score
Bromham, Wiltshire
Thought I'd have a go at doing something with this large ( 14" x 8") lump of wormy, spalted, part rotten wood just for the hell of it. Really just an excercise in seeing what I could achieve with a bowl gouge as my little hook tool wouldn't reach the bottom.

By the time I had finished it I felt as though I'd been playing with a pneumatic drill for an hour. Just happy it stayed in one piece. I couldn't get a decent finish on the inside so there are a few tool marks left (artistic license :lol: ) but managed to achiev a reasonable one on the outside considering the state of the wood

Nice work Pete

I bet that piece kept your nerves dancing a bit, just waiting for it to explode.

It is amazing what can be made from a rotten old piece of wood that most would just throw on the fire pile.

Well done.
What a lot of old rot! :( .... but very skilfully turned rot! :lol: :lol:
Oh well done that man keeping that in one piece!! \:D/

Though I think some credit should go to your co shapers in the is project!

Let's hear it for the wood worms!! =D> ....... :-#
Seems as though the Kernow influence is coming out, you know who recons you might have a winner. :lol:
Next time you get passport clearance to visit Brum, feel fre to call in and pick up a few more challenges.
Paul.J":7o32hf38 said:
Strewth Pete :shock:
What speed were you doing this at. :?:
Turned out to be a recogniseable Pete piece :lol:

It was turned at about 750. any slower and it hardly cut at all I'd have been there all day, any faster and I could visibly see it flexing. Really wierd doing the inside as I could see the tool, useful but disconcerting at first. Sanding was the hardest part, caught the paper a few times and had it flying across the shed, better than a finger though :lol:

Fair Play, That was some tricky turning. I'm working on a piece of wood similar to that, but it's going to be a lamp, cos i don't have the guts to go inside the wood. I'd be afraid i'd be wearing it...
Great finish on a tough piece
Finished piece was worth the effort,but I guess there were one or two "white knuckle moments" when turning it.. :wink:

Thats a great result Pete, shows what can be achieved if you have the vision and b***s to give it a go. :D :D :D

Mike C