Another something you need to be aware of is that by fitting a wider blade you will almost certainly need to widen the mouth with a file, no matter how far back you set the frog. I've just done this with an old Stanley no.4 - I bought the 2" Clifton iron from
Workshop Heaevn and it really is superb. Once sharp, it'll hold its edge for much longer than any of the thinner irons I've used and it'll cut beech unlike any of my other planes. 8)
I don't believe in replacing both blade
and cap iron on a single plane - you'll notice an immediate difference in replacing one or the other. Preferably the iron, in my opinion.
I did buy a Clifton cap iron for my no.6 plane but, sadly, I've found that my yoke/Y-lever is too short. Mick Hudson has agreed to send me a Clifton lever to see if that'll do the trick... Otherwise, it looks like I'll be taking Rob and Paul's advice on board. :wink: All I can add is that honing is quick and easy, thanks to the removable section. I cannot comment on the performance just yet.
By the way, if you were to replace both parts on an old Stanley or Record then, you'd also need to be a longer screw, to compensate for the extra thickness. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to attach the lever cap!
Axminster sell
Victor blades, which are also forged in Sheffield. I think they're close to the Clifton irons in terms of cost but, I have no idea how they compare... Anyone?