I used to bake bread just once in a while but lately all our bread's done in a machine rather than buying and the kids love it. But cutting fresh bread's tricky and I'm finding a little over the weight of the knife and lots of sawing works ok, so we're going to be talking very light use. And it's the backup knife, the go-to's a kitchen devil with a lovely black plastic handle which is often in the dishwasher when more bread's needed. So I think it'll be fine, still in the clamp.
And I like the idea of keeping it, I'm sure we didn't get it new and it'll be a hand-me-down from someone in the family, probably the out-laws.
I used Araldite crystal clear resin stuff, it seems to have been really strong in the past so fingers crossed. And now I've done it in spite of the doubting Thomases above, whatever happens I'll tell you it's working just fine and re-glueing if i have to. :lol: