The van is now booked in for a leak diagnostic with Renault Holdbrook in Crewe, I’m almost certain it’s leaking around the top of the windscreen, however I'd rather get it leak detected before taking action to resolve it. They want to do a diagnostic to be certain (£114, so not cheap!), which I’m happy for and hopefully claim back. I enquired about getting it sorted out under lifetime warranty as opposed to manufactures warranty as it’s a private vehicle following the material, design and workmanship criteria alongside reasonable expectation of the product life. They were very helpful and gave me the Renault headquarters number so that I could speak with them about it. They highlighted that they would refer it to Renault. Not an issue. Renault were very helpful and after the diagnosis of what the fault is as well as a Holdbrooks assessment of the vehicle (I take that to mean how well it’s been looked after / if it’s had an accident repair to front etc etc) they will then be able to consider whether to make a contribution towards the repair.
I'm hopeful this can be resolved fairly painlessly using good manners, politeness and not taking the ‘I know my rights’ approach. If not, I’m lucky, one of my sons is a lawyer...