Phil Pascoe
Established Member
half price Redex, pre MOT treatment and oils at Tesco til the 7/7.
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That takes me back a long time. Do they still have the Redex Challenge?half price Redex, pre MOT treatment and oils at Tesco til the 7/7.
It was a type of fuel consumption competition. Sixty-five years ago at least I think.I doubt it, but I don't know - I've never heard of it.
Twas meant as an upper cylinder cleaner to extend time between decokes. And, wow, how the smoke smelled.I can remember my father "treating" the car with Redex - must have been a Ford Consul in about 1958 - running it immediately after treatment and it emitted clouds and clouds of white smoke. No idea what the treatment did, or why?
When was the last time anyone did a decoke? I did 2 in the 1970s: one on a mini and one on a cement mixer. I haven't done one since then.Twas meant as an upper cylinder cleaner to extend time between decokes.
I don't think 5p's had even been invented thenRemember in the old days when petrol was dispensed by attendents? I did the job at an Esso garage, looking after shop and pumping fuel; and if not too busy to give the customer's windscreen a quick wipe and to push "shots" of either Redex or STP, at something like 5p(?) a shot. I think that was probably when a service station was a service station and not a self-service station as it is today
I never used it myself, but I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand. On the oother hand I wouldn't imagine the fact that it produced clouds of exhaust smoke would inspire me to trust it.I think Redex was sold as an “upper cylinder lubricant” the idea I guess being that going in with the fuel it somehow lubricated the valves and rings,,I cannot imagine it really worked though,
I never tried the STP oil additive but I did once try Wynn's, a competitor, with dramatic results. A colleague of a friend of mine had a lovely old XJ6. He got a neighbour to service it for him and after that it made the most horrendous noise. It sounded like someone was inside a cylinder thumping the engine block with a lump hammer. He put the car away in the garage and bought a Rover. I heard about it and bought the XJ6 for cheap. Driving it home was awful, with all pedestrians looking round to see what was making the terrible noise. I didn't know what was wrong with it but on a whim I poured in a can of Wynn's and left the car idling for a couple of hours. Problem fixed, never to return. I can't explain it but I was impressed. And relieved!STP I always thought was an American oil additive,,but maybe they did their own version of redex too?
On a simalar note does anyone know if in tank dpf cleaner actually works?
Cheers James