Record DML320 owners.

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Established Member
10 Dec 2020
Reaction score
Lancaster ,
Hi all.
I've got my new lathe coming Monday so I'm getting cracking on making a stand.
I'm just not sure on it's dimensions.
I could do with knowing, center of spindle to bottom, so I get the height correct. and also
Spacing between the mounting holes.
If anyone could help me out that would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I used to have one, no longer, sorry. The bench I built was 720h, I'm 5ft 8, it was about right but on reflection I might have gone to 740. The 'rule of thumb' is that standing close by the lathe with your finger on the centre your elbow should be at right angles.

(My newer lathe has shorter 'feet', I still use the same bench but with a hefty spacer)

The 'specifications' tab on this page might help you but isn't exactly what you want.

I did a lot on the 305, good lathe and never planned to change it but a good deal came along. The one useful modification I made was to the belt cover holding screw, I cut, drilled and glued a sherry bottle cork (the sort with a rigid plastic top) to the head of the allen screw so I could open it without fishing round for a small allen key.

Spindle centre height above base is 30.5 cm
Length between mounting holes is 90.5cm

I've had this lathe for a few years now and have enjoyed using it.

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