I purchased brand new a Record 300 E BS, six months ago, I wish I had never set eyes on the damned thing.
To tell of my experiences would take forevever. All I can say is that I have tried everything in the book you mention it I have tried it, even had a so called engineer from Record set it up but it still wouldn't do what I wanted it to do, and that
is resaw. The book says it will resaw to a depth of 8ins I know realistically it will not do that, but I do expect it to resaw
at least 6ins but it will not resaw to even 2ins, it just tapers off from top to bottom. I have tried numerous blades of different sizes blades other than Record, checked for blade drift, adjusted guides , fence alignment, checked blade is 90 degrees to the table but all to no avail. Record insists the machine is working okay, maybe it is working but it is not working
as far as resawing is concerned. I think Record aftersales is terrible. I don't want to put the person who is thinking of buying the 300BS but make sure it does everything it is supposed to do effectively. I wonder if anyone else has had trouble
with the 300E? This machine cost me the thick end of £500 I bought it primarily to resaw now it is just gathering dust in my workshop.