Re assembling / fitting Record vice

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Established Member
26 Dec 2020
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Rugby Uk
Can anybody spot what is probably a newby mistake. I have just built my first bench and flush fitted a 9" Record vice with quick release. Making my life difficult as usual and in order to cut the smallest hole in the apron I dismantled the vice to enable me to cut the opening really accurately then rebuilt it once in place before fitting the quick release worked after it doesn't, the level is now too close to allow enough movement of the nut. The spring is wound tight, the nut in the correct place and the plate appears to be in the correct place in the clutch and housing?
Put a length of wood in the vice so it reaches the floor and tighten. That takes the weight out the equation. Undo the vice fixings and stick a shim/spacer of some kind in to get the space back.
It sounds like you’ve done everything right, the quick release mechanism is fairly simple to understand and fit, I suspect your apron hole clearance isn’t quite enough somewhere, try holding a torch behind the apron it might show where something is touching particularly on the quick release bits. Ian
It looks simple but last time I did it I got the quick release wrong somehow. Came right after another attempt, not sure why. Maybe just a bit more fiddling?
n.b. much easier if you tip your bench onto it's back while you are at it.
Thanks gents.

BM101s suggestion helped a little but not enough, clearly showed I had put a little torsion into the mounting as the vice was definitely smoother after I had shimmed it. I opened out the clearance slightly just in case and tried refitting from scratch. It all helped a bit just not enough. Then I cheated, there's an inch and a half of the rocker plate which does not enter the clutch housing and I put a 10° twist into it. Definitely a bodge job but it's working, I still have no idea what I did wrong. I should probably go and stand in the corner of the workshop and think about the error of my ways.

Anyways advice greatly appreciated the bench should be finished tomorrow then my next project is to build a water tank stand out of sleepers for a friends farm, much more suited to my current skill level.