Raised panel-cutting out ?


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Established Member
2 Jan 2010
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Central Alba
Calling DaveR :D , how do I creat the cut-out in a raised panel?, I'm drawing a bookshelf unit inspired by RogerM's amazing build, I've drawn the frame for the lower portion of the cabinet and now trying to draw the raised panels seperately from the model, I'm having trouble trying to get a radiused edge around the raised face of the panel-dunno if I'm explaining this properly? if you look here bookcase-and-base-in-english-oak-lots-of-wip-piccies-t47023.html what I'm trying to draw is the four insert side panels in Rogers excellent build #-o

Try this:

Delete the inner rectangle defining the field. You don't need that and it could cause problems.
Select the outer edges of the rectangle of the raised part of the panel. Make sure you get all five lines. the edge nearest the camera in the image should be split into two segments by the intersection of the curve.
Get the Follow Me tool and click on that profile of the bit that gets removed.
That ought to take care of it. If you have any unwanted geometry after that, select all of the panel geometry, right click and run Intersect Faces>With Selected and then delete the unwanted bits.

Let me know how that goes.
I hope RogerM doesn't mind me using his bookcase build, I've found this a great way to learn sketchup, it hammers home also whats involved in a real build like Rogers-drawing a project like this shows the complexity and thought process that goes in to making the real thing, I'm a noob to woodwork and would be elated to get to the standard of people like Roger, thanks again for the help Dave and the inspiration Roger, I've gotten lost for hours in this- its a great way to wile away the time while the weather has kept me indoors mostly,
overall I'm well chuffed I've got this far, the radii on my sketch are a bit rough-but not bad for a beginner.

anyhoo, here's where I'm at

Good work so far. Having something specific to draw is a good way to learn the program.

Go to View and un-tick Hidden Geometry. That ought to make the curves look better.
Before you get all drugged up, I just noticed something else you should fix. The base molding is inside out. Select those blue faces, right click and choose Reverse Faces to correct them.

If you want, I'd be happy to look through your model to see how you did and give you some pointers. Only if you want me to, though. You can send it via e-mail.

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