Iroko loco!
Hello folks
This week I have been mostly focusing on hand saws, made a stout clamshell for saw sharpening
roughly along the lines of Andy Lovelock's.
For those who haven't watched it...
His youtube video is youtube titled Sharpening western saws, and is a two hour bonanza
I have cleaned the rust off the plate, but there is pitting on one side.
It is deep and very noticeable whilst rubbing it with sandpaper using only fingers.
I didn't try using sandpaper with a block of wood, as I had run out of 400g.
It's not a taper ground saw, and the pitting is close to the spine towards the toe.
Will I experience drift or will it just jam in the cut, as its only on one side of the plate?
Has anyone taper ground their saws?
I Imagine one could use flap discs for most if not all of the job.
I wonder how accurate this grinding needs to be?
I have to learn crosscut sharpening on this 21 or 22" long panel saw, which has 9 TPI.
It might be worth trying afterwards to do the taper grinding if the pitting ends up being trouble.
It's never been resharpened by the looks of it, and with only one tooth missing (I think)
so it should make an ideal candidate for learning on.
I'm also still unsure about fleam and rake angles for iroko and other tropicals only.
Would you think 12 degrees rake, and 20 degrees fleam would be suitable for a 9TPI panel saw cutting my timbers?
I don't think I'll bother with slope angle for now.
Thanks for your input in advance guys.
This week I have been mostly focusing on hand saws, made a stout clamshell for saw sharpening
roughly along the lines of Andy Lovelock's.
For those who haven't watched it...
His youtube video is youtube titled Sharpening western saws, and is a two hour bonanza
I have cleaned the rust off the plate, but there is pitting on one side.
It is deep and very noticeable whilst rubbing it with sandpaper using only fingers.
I didn't try using sandpaper with a block of wood, as I had run out of 400g.
It's not a taper ground saw, and the pitting is close to the spine towards the toe.
Will I experience drift or will it just jam in the cut, as its only on one side of the plate?
Has anyone taper ground their saws?
I Imagine one could use flap discs for most if not all of the job.
I wonder how accurate this grinding needs to be?
I have to learn crosscut sharpening on this 21 or 22" long panel saw, which has 9 TPI.
It might be worth trying afterwards to do the taper grinding if the pitting ends up being trouble.
It's never been resharpened by the looks of it, and with only one tooth missing (I think)
so it should make an ideal candidate for learning on.
I'm also still unsure about fleam and rake angles for iroko and other tropicals only.
Would you think 12 degrees rake, and 20 degrees fleam would be suitable for a 9TPI panel saw cutting my timbers?
I don't think I'll bother with slope angle for now.
Thanks for your input in advance guys.