Hi YorkieT,
One or two comments I would make about extractors and lathes, they will never capture anything but a small percentage of the turnings, they will though if you get enough air flow and can position the dust cowl in the right place remove 90% + of the fine dust.
Volume of air movement is what you need because of the wide area that dust gets flung by the spinning chuck and wood, but very few of the lower end units will provide a good volume and adequate fine filtering suitable for positioning in the shop and adding effective noise reduction too something this low powered just about stops them in their tracks.
I have overcome this limitation by fitting my
lower powered extractor outside of the shop and
replacing the supplied filters with a large open weave polycotton cloth bag, this has quadrupled the air flow at least and now I could almost get away without wearing my mask when sanding.
This is of course at the expense of shop air being extracted but I minimise the heat loss considerably by having an adjacent window vent open to provide the airflow.