Thanks for the replies folks.
I perhaps should have explained the scale of the "problem". There are around 40 rounds, of about 500 - 600mm dia, ranging from 150 to 300mm thickness. They were cut about 6 months ago so some already have splits and, in an ideal world, I should split the rounds, trim off the endgrain cracks, and seal the ends.
Fortunately I have a bandsaw that is big enough but unfortunately it is playing up at the moment (wobbly wheel/blade) and I haven't had time to sort it out prior to undertaking so much cutting. I have processed four of the logs but the wood is still quite wet and the buildup of deposits on the blade, and fluff inside the cabinet means regular stops to clean things and the whole process is taking longer than it should.
Being time-challenged at present, my idea, therefore, was to process some of the logs and stack the rest under cover, with the ends sealed - albeit imperfectly due to the existing cracks.
Phil, Dangermouse - I have already sealed a dozen or so using old paint, but I've pretty much run out of it now. I have to be careful not to accumulate too much paint or I may be expected to do some decorating!
DTTech - thanks, that looks like a good price at Toolstation; I'll try and get down there today.
Steve - Four logs cut to blanks and sealed, only onother 30+ to go!
My main aim at present is safe storage to avoid further cracking, pending final decision on whether to keep it all or keep some and use the rest for swapsies. There will be a fair wastage rate on some of ther thinner stuff, but the rest looks pretty good.
It's a nice problem to have!
BTW, when I do get on with it, there will be a fair amount of waste which would be fine for a workshop woodburner. Anyone in the Northampton area interested?