Troll Hunter
There may be fewer completed project shown on here than you might expect but does that mean fewer projects are being done? Or could it be that few people are prepared to post pictures of their work? For example, I don't post pictures of my projects but I do make things. Sometimes large furniture pieces and sometimes small nick-nacks like boxes. I just don't feel any need to post pictures of my work and I am sure there must be others who think the same way.
Just going offtopic for a second - I think it's mainly down to the persons willingness to air their work among a crowd of some very skilled people, and even though I only recall one post where the criticism might have been taken hard; and it wasn't that bad in reality, it was just "that tenon looks like it was cut with your teeth" which I'm sure was tongue in cheeck, I think many fear the harsh words they expect, even though my experience over the last 6 years is they would invariably get comments that either praise or offer alternative solutions to any given "mistake".
I don't think Cutards point is entirely accurate, I think there's just quite a lot of the above going on.
A personal need for recognition isn't usually the reason why people post thier work, but a "here's what YOU can do" there are many WIP's by people I know do not consider themselves of any great skill AndyT being one such example, and another couple who consider themselves as rank wood butchers, but still produce some lovely pieces purely by way of methodical processes.
I've actually got a recent project on the go right now that is seriously fugly, but performs it's required function and purpose as intended - so I'll take a few pics and post it to put my money where my mouth is!
Edit - Ollie78's remark about "the nice stuff being made for those that can afford it otherwise we wouldn't have it at all" is well made, for me it's the artisans that make stuff to give inspiration - and I would echo the point, that Ollie humbly side stepped, that he is included - his planes are just beautiful (as are Bill Carters), and far more affordable than a Holtey.