Progress on Workshop Floor

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Established Member
27 Jul 2003
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Hi all

I'm pleased to say that I had my first day off in three weeks on Saturday and the LOML let me loose in the workshop.

I am now very close to finishing the wooden floor and I can already feel the benefit. I'm really pleased that I have spent the time in fitting a decent wooden floor.

Thank you Adam for giving me the idea.

No worries, you think it's good now? Wait until you A) have stood on it all day trying to finish a long project, B) You drop something on it, C) you try vacuuming it compared to a unsealed concrete floor.

It'll be worth every penny!

Hi Neil

And D wait for the winter when you get the biggest benefit of all in my opinion. So lovely and warm to stand on.

All the best

Newbie_Neil":2iqx4hq6 said:
Hi Adam

I've also taken another of your tips and ordered some carpet tiles. :roll:
Cheers Neil

Now they make a world of differece, provided you have a dust extractor and collect most of the chips/dust at source. I have about 150 in the loft waiting for my "dream" workshop. They were chucking them out for free at work.

They also quieten down the machines, and any SWMBO/neigbour will appreciate that. Don' forget to lay them starting with the arrows pointing towards the centre from every direction.
Carpet tiles and wooden floor - are you sure this is a workshop we are talking about? Where will the armchair and telly go? Oh, silly me - next to the fridge with the beer in it!

Seriously, congratulations - sounds terrific
I think carpet tiles are probably much more practical than carpet is. I have some lovely sorta pinkish coloured carpet, which is great to work on (compared to the concrete).

However, it really is very un-practical as all the dust gets trodden into it.
....Maybe I should get a dyson for the workshop now :p
Hi Neil (Mr Mod :D )

I have a raised and insulated wooden floor and carpet tiles would be nice but most of my machines need to be mobile and they roll nicely on the wood. I am concerned carpet tiles may affect this.

Are all your toys staying in one place ?

Newbie_Neil":q90prqat said:
Hi Adam

asleitch":q90prqat said:
Don' forget to lay them starting with the arrows pointing towards the centre from every direction.

Silly question, but why?


Ahh, I'm not going to explain this very well but I'll do my best within my unbelieveably small amount of carpet tile knowledge. The ones at work, have a chamfered edge, so you can't just lay them down ad-hoc, each one needs to be carefully placed at 90 degrees to the one by its side. It will depend upon your manufacturer.

Provided you orientate them for the centre, any movement always causes them to move to the centre, and leave a gap around the walls, rather than leaving gaps all over the place.

I'll try and do a drawing to show... (as I haven't got anything else to do!)

Basically, you have to turn every other tile 90 degrees, so the chamfered edges meet correctly. Then you have to pick a centre point, or closest to centre point within reason, and make each tile point towards it, within reason. I've tried to show this below, with a red spot to shoe the arbitarily chosen centre spot.

It might be worth checking if your tiles show this characteristic, or have arrows underneath - have you layed them yet?


Not sure if that makes sense or not.
Hi Alf

Alf":3lai8wed said:
Oh man... I really, really want a wooden floor... :( I'm as jealous as hell, Neil. :mrgreen: Cheers, Alf

I think it was listening to your complaints, nay rants, that made me realise how much I should have a proper wooden floor.

So, thank you.

You won't have any trouble moving stuff on the carpet tiles Neil, I've had no problems despite rearranging the workbenches, saw, etc on several occasions. Just remember to keep a couple spare, I dropped a bottle of Boiled Linseed Oil on one of mine :oops: . Only managed to spill about 90% of the contents :?

Newbie_Neil":23wmvjkm said:
it was listening to your complaints, nay rants
Rants?! Oh deary me... you really have to tell me when I rant you know. :oops:

Cheers, Alf

Trying to achieve a wood floor the shaving-by-shaving way... :(
a shaving based wooden floor has a certain spring to it that you just will not get from sheet materials, :wink:


Do you have a digital camera? If not, now is the time to buy one, as it's very satisfying having pcitures of the workshop process. If you've only got a film camera, when you get it processed at boots, they can make a CD up with all the images digitised as JPG's and then it saves all the effort of scanning them.

I think you are morally obliged to provide pictures after your count-down thread, and the number of questions asked :wink:
