Pre-engineered designs?

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2 Feb 2019
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London, UK
This is more of a general question, but I will ge an example of what I'm thinking of at the moment at the end.

Does anyone know of a source of "pre-engineered designs", like plans for making sheds, small garden bridges, wooden framed greenhouses and other constructions that have actually been designed and published by engineers you can buy, rather than getting something custom deigned to your needs. I would think that would be something that can be sold on mass rather then bespoke, so would be cheaper. Either plan by plan, or a "book of plans". Feels like something that should exist, but I can't find something like that in the UK currently.

I'm confident in my design skills from my time in the theatre industry to design sets and build things that will work and be safe, but as I'm not a structural engineer, I can't say the design would be signed of by me. (so just looking for other designs people have made/used without knowing if its been signed off isn't useful in this scenario)

I ask as I will have a lot of projects to make soon and it would be a useful resource, but at the moment I'm looking to make a stand alone insulated workshop room inside of an existing wooden barn that can also have its roof used as a mezzanine/storage space. Roughly 4 by 8m (can be flexible based on best timber lengths etc) and with a 3m height. (hence posting this in the workshop builds section)

Any recommendations/sources generally and for my first project specifically would be very handy.


Never seen such a thing. For something similar to what you are planning I’d go by framing guides and span tables to decide frame timber sizes and spacings, and joist thickness.
For the insulated room in a room check out commercial freezer builders, they may have one they are dismantling, they slot together in sections.
Plans? No just make it up as you go along the same as the rest of us. I would have thought working as a set designer would be experience enough?
This is more of a general question, but I will ge an example of what I'm thinking of at the moment at the end.

Does anyone know of a source of "pre-engineered designs", like plans for making sheds, small garden bridges, wooden framed greenhouses and other constructions that have actually been designed and published by engineers you can buy, rather than getting something custom deigned to your needs. I would think that would be something that can be sold on mass rather then bespoke, so would be cheaper. Either plan by plan, or a "book of plans". Feels like something that should exist, but I can't find something like that in the UK currently.

I'm confident in my design skills from my time in the theatre industry to design sets and build things that will work and be safe, but as I'm not a structural engineer, I can't say the design would be signed of by me. (so just looking for other designs people have made/used without knowing if its been signed off isn't useful in this scenario)

I ask as I will have a lot of projects to make soon and it would be a useful resource, but at the moment I'm looking to make a stand alone insulated workshop room inside of an existing wooden barn that can also have its roof used as a mezzanine/storage space. Roughly 4 by 8m (can be flexible based on best timber lengths etc) and with a 3m height. (hence posting this in the workshop builds section)

Any recommendations/sources generally and for my first project specifically would be very handy.


I don't know what sort of design you are thinking about, but it could be worth considering structural insulated panels for the roof. They will span around 3m unsupported and make the design way simpler. Instead of having to build a traditional roof, just sit these on top. If it was a bit narrower they could go straight across, otherwise a structural ridge / purlin.

If you are planning on keeping the existing barn and getting protection from the wind from that, you may be able to get away with the straight 4m span.