Established Member
Professional tool used to lay a solid wood flooring. Excellent condition - used to lay one floor.
(Worked out cheaper to buy the floor and the proper tools to lay it vs. paying for it to be laid...)
Comes with:
Collection from Bromley, Kent.
Offers in region of £120.
(I paid £215. Incomplete and well used ones seem to go for £140 on eBay. )
(Worked out cheaper to buy the floor and the proper tools to lay it vs. paying for it to be laid...)
Comes with:
- 2x shoes - one for hidden nails in edge of each board, the other for surface nailing edge boards.
- Part box of 2" T cleats, and almost complete box of 1.5" T bar cleats.
- Tool for pulling flooring boards in tight before nailing.
Collection from Bromley, Kent.
Offers in region of £120.
(I paid £215. Incomplete and well used ones seem to go for £140 on eBay. )