Polyvine Wood Oil for outdoor applications


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1 Oct 2020
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After another session with old-school yacht varnish and a respirator, I’m wondering if there might not be a nicer way to spend an afternoon. :rolleyes:

I’ve been looking at higher-tech outdoor finishes and wondered about Polyvine wood oil. i know they do a water-based outdoor finish but it’s got a list of caveats as long as my arm.

Has anyone used their wood oil? What’s it like to work with? What’s the VOC like on the oil? Any experience with how robust the finish is? Materials are a mix of general softwood (yes, I know) and oak. They specifically warn about oak and their water-based finish which is what put me off.


I used it once. Once. It takes days to go touch dry and several weeks later scrapes off with no difficulty. It may well have use, but I'm not sure what it is. I've a nearly full can if you want some.
@Phil Pascoe Hahaha! Well, that’s a ringing endorsement. I’ll pass on the offer of the can... :D

I’ll keep on looking - I think I’ve worked thru most options over the years and yacht varnish does work (and lasts) but I really hate an afternoon of working with it, even with a fresh 3M respirator set.
If it’s just the fumes that you don’t like, why not get an airfed respirator?
Failing that, you just need to use it more, you get used to the smell after a while! 🤪

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