There are a few areas on my patio where the gap between a paving slab and adjoining non patio conrete, where the pointing gap is less than 5mm. In these parts, the pointing has just cracked and crumbled away, I assume because it's too small of a gap to form a good bond? Or perhaps because it's too small of a gap to compress it down easily. I'm guessing the paving slabs should not have been put this close and the gap should have been bigger?
Anyway, is there a product that will fill these gaps and form a good bond? most of the pointing compounds I have seen say they're for gaps of 5mm and bigger.
It's a ripe area for ants
Anyway, is there a product that will fill these gaps and form a good bond? most of the pointing compounds I have seen say they're for gaps of 5mm and bigger.
It's a ripe area for ants