Plus - Gas is unavailable in Europe.....27 years of looking....
I had an antique tractor front axle with most everything seized....even done the odd engine this way.....
actually, thinking of it I have an Ford 3000 outside that'll need the same doing......
took the lid off a 45 oil drum.......
filled it with r/diesel and soaked it for a did the job along with some heat.....just had to turn the axle over to do the other 1/
just an idea for ur w/shop.......
I have a few small yellow paint kettles, all from £ land, that has plastic dropper bottles kept in em with various fluids....
placed around where I'm on each bench, near the drill n hydraulic press etc.......
Diesel, eng oil, gear box oil, hydraulic and lathe cutting fluids.....
everything is in one place and any mess is contained.....
I supose u can buy em but my drippers came free whith the chemicals used to dye my wifes hair.......shame on me.......
I believe u can buy the likes of WD40 etc in gallon cans it much cheaper......?
anyone mention Duck Oil....ablast from the past ......?