The one thing I’ll never get my head around with anything to do with sharpening, honing or grinding is if a particular method works for you be it freehand, use of a guide , or the super expensive sharpening machines with all their even more expensive accessories then why would that be such a pretentious issue for others . I’ve a COG in gas fitting and installation but it didn’t extend to sharpening. I struggled for years trying to keep a sharp and square edge on my chisels and plane irons without success and consistency. Used a cheap guide and instant improvement. A few years later a better guide with multiple options and settings. So what if I don’t use them all , the only info I need is what angle to set for a particular blade and that’s easy enough to find . So imho if a question is posted on sharpening freehand then those that use that method should answer and likewise any asking about a particular jig or honing guide can advise accordingly. Nobody needs to be chastised for using a particular method so no need to get involved if it’s not your cup of tea..