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These days with the advances in medical science whilst death is still a risk, one also has to consider incapacity whether mental or physical as a potential outcome so I'd advise registering for Lasting Power of Attorney for both property and financial matters - two separate but similar documents -
It's a bit of a blunderbuss to execute if the event comes to pass but simple to put in place and ensures your chosen person can carry out legal and financial transactions on your behalf and hopefully in accordance with your wishes too.
Having those documents in place means that institutions are legally obliged to take instructions whether financial or property related by your chosen attorney who is acting on your behalf, and thus obviating the need for duplicate access/sharing of account details with a partner etc.
Whilst you might think otherwise it is the correct and legal way under UK Law to allow financial transactions upon a deceased or incapacitated persons accounts.
All good advice but your last statement is incorrect in that the LPA dies with the person and then only the executor of the will can deal with financial transactions DAMHIK :-(
When I initiated this post I certainly didn't expect the whole computer security thing around passwords to be so complicated and I realise that I am hopelessly out of my depth. So my choices are to get up to speed on computer security or carry on as I usually do with the 'forgot password' function and this is what I will do. But it is a considered option.
I have a very good master password that unlocks my tablet as well as timeout if unused for 90 seconds.
I have very good antivirus/antiphishing software
I never open emails from unknown addresses. Admittedly this did get my son a bit twitchy but not my fault he didn't tell me he'd changed his email address..
I am signed up to a total of three sites - this one obviously, an online repository where I source original blueprints for the wooden aeroplanes I build and now unfortunately my doctors surgery as mentioned in the original post. I resisted signing up to that one for two years but they started getting a bit difficult about it.
Don't do social media, online shopping, banking, taxation, council rates etc. All in all I feel my online presence is as minimalist as I van make it which hopefully reduces exposure to risk.
Agreed - it was my assumption that Wills and any LPA's are aligned in their intent, and further that the more onerous situation is where someone has in some way lost capacity and thus the LPA is implemented - IMHO any situation where someones capacity is to be questioned is fraught with unforeseen gotchas...
I don't have personal experience of this, however related had to assist in a situation where an ex-in-law was contesting my late sisters Will on behalf of her 3 children whom she had dis-inherited.
Made worse by the fact that the principle benefactor of her will was a well known charity and whom played a lot of dirty tricks along the way in an attempt to frustrate the contest.. - he won BTW :)

When last year I was dealt a curve-ball health-wise I discussed in detail my wishes with my daughter and with her agreement appointed her as executor of both LPA's and a newly drawn up Will.

Amusingly, initial contact with the solicitor drawing up my Will had given me a tentative 1st appointment some 2-3 weeks in the future, and when I explained my situation they found a slot some 3 days in the future with an 'Ah I see we always keep a few slots clear for such eventualities'....
I realise this is a bit of a side issue - sorry - but seems to be being discussed. I've just this last couple of weeks drawn up my will and LPA. The LPA has two 'executors' plus a standby incase either of the others pass before me. Hopefully they will have my better interests in mind. Two required otherwise the one could empty the coffers and leave me penniless.
Re the will I am writing letters (witnessed by two people) to go with my will stating clearly why my will has been divided the way it has so there will be no grounds to contest it when it comes to be executed. This was the advice given by Will Writing Services London (WSL) who came along FoC but obviously wanted to sell their services.
I have something like 600 passwords in my password manager, not sure how I'd remember them otherwise. On the other hand I have no mobile cover where I spend 85% of my time so 2FA can be a bit of a PTA.

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