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[USER=7433]@Lons[/USER] being devils advocate, the buyer has a responsibility to correctly and unambiguous define what they want doing. He’s sanded and sealed the floor with a coating that may have been agreed. The floor is ‘as new’. If you have to take the blocks up to determine if they coloured all the way through or not, then you’ve lost the moral high ground. Staining is normally only a mm or so, so would reasonably be expected to be removed by surface sanding. If the colour didn’t change then the assertion it’s the colour of the wood all they way through is a reasonable assumption. Ie. The original colour of the floor.

There are no before pictures, just a buyer with an image in their head of what they hoped / expected. What’s been achieved may be a miracle compared to what it looked like before.

I’d like to see the specification the contractor was working to in order to arrive at a balanced opinion.
