Painting a Stained Ceiling?

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Established Member
3 Mar 2005
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Hi Guys

I posted this over on 'Ask The Trades' but its a bit quiet over there so I thought i'd see if we have any ideas over here.

I am now in the paint stages. It looks like at one point the radiator above the lounge leaked and has stained the ceiling. I tried painting it last night with Dulux Trade Supermatt paint. The stains bled through immediately.


At the start of the project a pro painter looked at the room and told me I'd need to PVA it, which I did (1 part PVA to 5 Parts water)

I also have a problem with the fresh paint flaking whilst rolling?

I have seen a product by PolyCell called BaseCoat... is this what I need?
It sounds as though it's still damp, I had a stain on my ceiling from a water leak, once it was dry it took about 5 coats to disguise it but that was with no PVA.
I don't think it is still damp, the central heating system has been off for over 2yrs and I can't see any leaking water around the radiator or under the floor boards and the it feels dry.
Not hugely helpful but my decorator said he'd had to spray our ceiling with something as there was a water mark and it would bleed straight through otherwise. Quick search throws up this: ... ?p=2728191

which has some talk of a cover up spray from B&Q or Polycell Stain Stop.

If I see my decorator I'll ask him what he uses.

I used that polycell Stain Stop to get rid of a similar stain on the ceiling of our last house where the header tank in the loft overflowed. I think it was Aliminum Oxide based, and worked by leaving a fine white metal powder bonded to the wall, which you then paint over with normal paint.

It's very nasty and noxious stuff and has about a dozen warning symbols on the can... It certainly worked well enough though.

I had to use gloss paint on a stain (radiator leak) on my ceiling after it came through 3 lots of emulsion, it worked a treat and was cheap.

If it's smooth plaster, why not paper it with plain lining paper then emulsion it - it will probably be quicker and cheaper.

Cheers :wink:

I've had to deal with this a few times. I've tried the expensive ways (Zinsser, Stain block, etc) This can work but sometimes needs two coats.
I have settled on the cheap and simple method - oil based undercoat. Put it on with a roller (or mini-roller) and let it go off overnight. You can then emulsion over it no problem.
I found this out whilst re-painting a pub. Possibly the most nicotine in one place I have ever encountered!
Hope this helps
Philly :D
Hi WiZeR
The oil primer trick can work,i like the zinsser B I N sealer - it's white shellac so will seal very well ,dry quickly and be compatible with any topcoat.
As mentioned it isn't cheap but it works
I am with Philly on this - white oil based undercoat.

Have had a few problems with leaks through ceiling causing unsightly stains. Tried several coats of emulsion but it always seemed to re appear (even when dry!). Success came with trying the oil base undercoat.

Cheers :D
I applied a coat of ronseal (end of tin leftovers) with a roller over a similar area in my kitchen after a burst hot cylinder and a bedroom ceiling damaged by a leaky dormer roof. Never had a problem with them since.

Did not bother to cover all the ceiling just the affected areas and the use of the roller left a matching texture.

So I guess anything that is normally impervious to water and colour neutral does the trick.
Guys, many thanks for your quick replies. I went with Dulux Trade Undercoat. Messy Job :roll:

The stains had not returned by the time I left tonight so seems to have worked.