Of interest to pen turners


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Blister, this could be because I copied the url by right clicking the picture and going to properties and then copying the url. However I have asked on the ubeaut forum the reason as well.
Can't see you getting many of those in your suitcase next visit John :lol:
CHJ":3b8bflfc said:
Can't see you getting many of those in your suitcase next visit John :lol:

However. I could manage to equal one of the pieces with gifts of timber given and sent from Ox. (thanks) :)
Blister":1jr3bev5 said:
I get this

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Same here :(
Yep you have to be registered to see the attachement - just registered!

Here is the picture

That lot would take someone a life time to turn it into pens!! :lol:
