Thanks again for the additional info
A quick update: I bought some household ammonia for the grand some of £1 and at the same time I bought an 89p clear plastic mixing bowl to use as a cover.
The plan is to try and get a slightly aged, golden brown colour to a desktop I've just made for a 1950's oak office desk. The desktop is 19mm crown cut oak veneered MDF with 6.5 cm wide solid oak edges.
So as a sample I've glued some solid oak to the veneered mdf and made lots of sample pieces. I sanded to 180 grit, dampened to raise the grain, re-sanded to 180 grit. I put about 1/2 " of ammonia into a small glass bowl and stood my sample an inch or so above it, popped up by a couple of pieces of MDF. Clear mixing bowl on top and sealed at the base with some masking tape. I left the sample fuming for 2 hours, removed it and applied some Osmo Polx Oil. I was very pleased that it seemed to 'colour' very quickly and easily. On the oak veneer it took on a nice aged, brown colour, very similar to what I was looking for, albeit a bit darker than preffered, but easily rectified next test run. The solid oak also coloured up nicely and to a similar degree as the veneer. The only snag was, the solid wood took on a slight greenish tinge which was quite obvious next to the browner veneer. It's not really surprising as the bare wood before treatment does appear a bit 'greener' than the veneer anyway. So I guess the fuming has just bought out and accentuated the underlying colour. I wasn't really surprised or expecting the solid wood to match the veneer. in fact I didn't even know if it would work at all on veneer, so I'm pleased to have discovered that it does.
I'm not sure how I can overcome the green tinge using this method. Maybe I'll try a very pale brown stain on the solid wood first and then try fuming to see if that works and colour matches slightly better. I'm not really bothered if it doesn't as I'm enjoying experimenting and the learning curve.
I have some Van **** Crystals arriving in the next day or two so I'm looking forward to trying that method too.
Marcros, if your still following this thread. I noticed from reading some older forum posts that you've had success using washing powder in addition to Van **** crystals. I'll have a go at that method too but I was wondering what sort of ratio of washing powder/water/van **** crystals would you recommend as a starting point. Specifically, how much washing powder to water to use.