Now this is a bowl corer

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Seen that one a few times now, Tom :D ... its 'interesting' from a commercial-operation volume-production run mill perspective, but I think the bowls are 'soul-less', if that makes sense.

All the same curve / profile .... no 'hand-made' appeal with them,
just hemi-spheres of wood that nobody held in their hands as a 'lump' and thought 'ok wood... let me study your figuring and decide how I wish to shape you.. and between you and I, we will try and finish up as something of absolutely unique beauty'

I wouldn't buy, or want one of those soul-less, lifeless halfball things,
but it is an interesting 'watch' ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
2 problems that I cans see with that Wis, the 1st has been said = same every time apart from the grain and the second toooooo bloody expensive and I could buy several bowl blanks from the most expensive supplier and still be in pocket.

Very interesting machine for all that and very efficient, but not real plastic!