I would like to say I remember rawlplug tools with fondness, but I cant. I still have one in my box along with No8 and No14 bits though I hope never to need to use them again.
Memories of frosty winter mornings doing first fixes in shells of buildings with bolster chisels and rawlplug tools and club hammers, by 11am you start to thaw out and removal of your fingerless mittens shows that you were not able to miss clouting your frozen hand with that hammer after all.
Anyone remember using these? I still have enough to do a couple of homes I guess!
Memories of frosty winter mornings doing first fixes in shells of buildings with bolster chisels and rawlplug tools and club hammers, by 11am you start to thaw out and removal of your fingerless mittens shows that you were not able to miss clouting your frozen hand with that hammer after all.
Anyone remember using these? I still have enough to do a couple of homes I guess!