Non staining glue for bandsaw box

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I don't think there is any glue that isn't going to affect the finish in some way when you apply it, if anyone knows of one I'd be interested too. Until then I'd be aiming at minimising squeeze out, maybe masking areas if needed then removing any remaining glue and making very sure all traces of glue have gone; you can be sure any remaining glue is going to show up as soon as you put a finish on it.
Only time I had a go at bandsawn boxes I used PVA bandsaw box 004.JPGbandsaw box 005.JPGbandsaw box 006.JPG
A nice change from keeping everything flat and square. Just draw some chalk lines and away you go.
I dare say a critical eye could find glue marks but as Sebb says its more about being careful especially with the bits that are on view.bandsaw box 002.JPG