No hole through headstock

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Nick S

27 Mar 2021
Reaction score
chard Somerset
has anyone got a better idea than this to mount a spindle drive
Many thanks Nick
I made an ejector for my wadkin that threads onto the nose. Undoing it jacks the centre out of the socket.
Record sell a thread protector which also acts as a centre ejector.
Lots of demonstrators hold the drive centre in the centre of their 4 jaw chucks for a speedy change over.
The Axminster 50mm jaws have a disc with a MT 2 recess that fits tightly and flush with the jaws, this would allow you to use any MT2 accessories. But you'd have to remove the disc each time to knock out the drive spur etc ...
If that's a nova Chuck you have on the lathe? again you can buy a four prong drive spur to fit precisely like the one for the viper Pete linked to above.
Orrrr flog the lathe and get one with a Morse Taper headstock. 🙄


It has a morse taper headstock :)

Albeit not drilled through, just means a thread protector nut/centre ejector is used on it rather than a knock out bar.

A chuck fitting is often easier though.
As Paulm says
It has a MT1 taper "hole" in the spindle buy a simple spur drive and just push it it, easy to fit BUT before doing that screw on the thread protector or you will have a devils job in removing the spur drive
It's a fashion design weakness of many modern lathes where only one end of the spindle is usable. Half a lathe, in my opinion!
Mine has a normal spindle and the morse taper fittings just tap out with a long bar through from the outboard end. If you lose the bar 2no 6" nails with their heads off will do it
Stebs and no doubt their clones have a parallel part at the heavy end of the taper that sits in the centre of the chuck, or you can buy them specifically for chuck mounting without the taper.
One like this will fit the chuck you have.
Or you can make/buy one to fit the thread of your headstock spindle.
Orrrr flog the lathe and get one with a Morse Taper headstock. 🙄

Thanks Pete have ordered a 4 prong drive from Charnwood the chuck is a record sc3 it comes with similar screw drive which is not that usefull.
thanks again
Thanks every one have ordered a 4 prong drive center from Charnwood to fit the SC3 Chuck the record one looks bit naf so got the viper one and its cheaper be a lot easier than the screw drive chuck mounted supplied with the chuck.
Thanks for every ones help happy turning
My Record CL1 has a 1MT hole and I have never in the 20 plus years I have had it had any problems getting a drive center out. It only needs the thread protector as has been mentioned rearlier. There's no need to start belting a rod down a hole. Just hold the shaft flats with a spanner and unwind the thread protector, with a 3/16ths bar in the hole if it's tight. Done in seconds and no violence needed.
Our Record lathe at work has a knurled nut on the headstock side that’s used to eject prong drives from the morse taper. It goes on the thread that the chuck uses.