Businesses don't realise they are slowly killing off customer from the way they try to milk the "event".
As above where they push events before the current one gets going they have done the same with sale events. They have all but killed off the special sale event dates by sheer greed.
Most recent example was Cyber Monday, Businesses were busy extending black friday from a single super sale DAY that people would go crazy for, to a weekend event, then if became a week-long event, now it's the Black Friday MONTH. So cyber Monday is just part of the black friday month, so has dropped off for many retailers.
People no longer see these events as a chance to bag a bargain, but just part of a retailers fake sales, where discounts are against a price that we never see items sold at.
The same is true of the Boxing day sales, this has been largely destroyed by the "pre Xmas boxing day sales" and the first big sale of the year, new years day sale is dying too in all but the biggest retailers.
People have gotten wise to this trend, but the business's and retailers don't yet realise many customers are aware. Too late when they wake up and wonder why they don't have boost periods in their I come streams.
The company Advertising Directors must keep pushing the need to have sale events to the boards, just to keep their little Advertising empires going.
It really is a case of killing the goose that lays golden eggs, but while the board think they're cultivating that goose, its there own Advertising Directors that are taking a knife to that goose and slowly slitting its throat.
I think a big reason in this is the rise of the Media Consultant agency, their only income is in convincing a company of the next big "Opportunity or Trend" that they alone have invented, but pitch well to Businesses, who think these agencies have their finger on the pulse of the people.
Well, we've all seen how well that went for Budwieser, Harvey Davidson etc and the most recent one Jaguar.
Never thought the phrase "Go woke, go broke" would be such a perfect description of a self imploding, self indulgent, self deluding CEO's, whe actually believe that they decide who their customer demographic is.
Remember the phrases "Customer is King" well those days never went away, just ignored today.
These CEO's need to take that phrase more to heart now or go broke soon
They need to realise that, ", customers chose the seller not the seller choosing a customer AND...the customer is not always right but they are always the customer..."