New tools=New bowl

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Established Member
4 Apr 2010
Reaction score
South Queensferry, Edinburgh
Hi Folks,

Some of you may read that I recently bought the Robert Sorby 67hs turning tool set and a Nova G3 chuck.

So, I finally got into the workshop for a few hours this afternoon and put them to the test.

The tools where ready to go straight from the box but the chuck required a little wiping off to get rid of the packing grease. I mounted my blank with the wormscrew in the chuck which was great, and then reversed the bowl and clamped in the chuck itself - WOW! What a joy it was to use quality tools at last.

Anyway, here's some pics of a simple bowl I made. Still need work on my finishing and bowl gouge control but it's not bad I think.

Sycamore - 140mm by 65mm





God tools can make a difference can't they. The bowl looks good. You may be able to see marks or something but I can't, finish looks fine to me

Another hurdle cleared, and with a fair amount of clearance it would seem, tools you say ready to go, make sure you get them a sharp as possible and keep them there, makes so much difference to the ease of use and finish achievable.
very good effort there - good to see the progress :) New tools are great huh ? :)

Skeet, that is a lovely bowl and I like the shape very much. I'm not familiar with the tooling that you now have and a couple of photos would be good for me.

One thing that you have to remember is that anyone that tells you that they were a born flyer is a born lier. We all start from scratch and even birds have to learn how to fly.

Keep em coming mate!
Hey Jonz,

Very encouraging words there, cheers.

Still very much an amateur at the moment, don't have bags of cash sorry to say so trying my best with what i've got. Buying the new stuff has helped tremendously.

Another draw back is that I'm really doing it all by myself, :( LOL

Never been to a demo, show, etc. Don't know any local turners and live to far away from most of the guys on here.

Was looking on WOW again at the newbie creating waves there. It's not until you realise that he's essentially standing on the shoulders of giants thats it's conceavable that he's bound to turn out good stuff. Also, I don't 'select' the pieces that I think are my best, as a new turner I post 'em all, good or bad. Honest feedback is what I'm after, a pat on the back doesn't go a miss but the only person I took that from has sadly gone!

Anyway, I'll post some pics soon of the new tools etc. and maybe a little review, think Wizer was interested in how the Nova G3 chuck performs.

Aw the best,

Hi Jenx,

Aye, 'tis a lovely feeling when you witness progress live and direct.

I feel that i'm learning a lot and the new tools certainly help, I'm excersing more patience now and this is showing in my work.

Still get a bit crazy and fling out the odd 'art' piece, but my overall intention is to combine the 2 parts of my turning, the craft and the art, and develop my own style.

Nice to meet you by the way.

What a great bowl Skeetoids, you’ve achieved a really nice shape too. I think you’ve put the new tools to great use, look forward to seeing the next!

Well done you are certainly progressing at a good rate.

It is said that a bad worker blames his tools. However you do need the right and good quality tools to start with especially when dealing with such a craft as turning. After all turners are highly skilled in what they do.

Good on you, keep up the work and practice.
Very good Lee. I told you that the chuck would transform your turning.

Going forward I'd suggest getting some woodturning dvds. I can highly recommend I'm a bit od a DVD collector, but you only need one for too to actually see the tool techniques and methodology.

Also I would suggest studying bowls that you like. Think about what it is you like about them. The shape/curve/size etc. Try printing our a few different forms to mount near the lathe so you can refer to them when turning.

You'd be surprised how these things can help.

Thanks for all the kind remarks.

The G3 chuck is amazing, I totally love it! I'm so happy I bought it as well as the new tools.

I got a free dvd with the tools which I think is really good. Had a full watch before using the tools etc. and it really helped.

Wizer, I like your idea of having a piccy at the lathe, if not to copy then defo for inspiration. Think I saw a piccy of your workshop with a piccy of as bowl on your wall did I not!?!?

The Pictures near the machine are definately a good idea...
I remember George saying he did it.. I think DuncanH does it too, if I recall, and I'd guess Mark S maybe does ? ...
If its a good enough idea for those fellas.. it's safe to say its a good idea ! :lol:

I keep meaning to do it, and failing ! .. this is a timely reminder !
8) :lol:
Yes I change them regularly, but keep a few for inspiration. You're only copying when you get to the standard of Mark S and copying specific personalised features. There are lots of different bowl forms, but none of them are patented ;)
Mark S uses Japanese styles and forms for inspiration. I think you would be in trouble if you tried to copy other turners then sell off as your own idea. Most turners are more than happy to have others emulate them though. I have pages of goblets, chalices, bowls, pottery, glassware, platters, plates and so on. I do Google Image searches then copy the ones that I like into Word and print the sheets off as Wizer suggests. What is really surprising is that the basic shapes are only a few but the variations are vast.


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